Thank you Pattye. They are truly amazing, so much more colourful than my other tahitians. People mostly think my pearls are fake I think, except maybe my akoyas.
Charlotta- what gorgeous colour on those nice big Tahitians !! I love the bright blue green !!
jeg - it's so beautiful in those mountains..I lived in Washington for a couple of months many years ago and have very strong memories of traveling through them... gorgeous!
Red - Those pipi are so pretty in the photo..I'd love to see them in real life.
lary- That pearl is beautiful and works perfectly with the stones !!
Here is me in action with my long dangley pearl earrings and tahitian flower pendant that you cant really see...posing next to a 5 strand natural pearls with diamond clasp made by cartier. Alllll willddd natural was amazing!
One story goes cartier swap 2 strands of his natural pearls+100$ for a mansion in 5th avenue! Craazzyy...well thats all my pearly action for that day.
Hiking along the Olympic Peninsula. The weather was overcast, so you can’t make out the snowcapped mountains in the background, but it makes for perfect weather for hiking.