Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Thanks everybody!View attachment 59973

I forgot to post these after getting them a while ago from JP's etsy shop, Oceanscove. They are pretty nice size gss with aquaprase drops.

I don't ever have anyone to take a picture of them in my ear and I'm not super talented in the selfie department but I hope to have ear shots soon. I ADORE them and she was so patient with me while I was trying to decide what pair I wanted. Thank you again, JP!

lary007, I am thrilled that you love your Shore Girl earrings!
We were in San Francisco this week!

The traveling pearl in Union Square-

Taking a ferry across the bay-

For a visit with Sarah, at Kojima Pearls! Her studio was so perfect with beautiful displays and lots of light. I cannot believe I didn’t take pictures of the displays! :(

Sarah, sorting through Akoyas for me. I loved her description of these pearls. “These pearls are challenged.”

Looking through some tiny pearls
This is what I came home with-

A long strand that I tried all morning to capture the beautiful luster and color-


Worn doubled, with a doubled pearl “chain” and SOC pendant all from Sarah.

Worn long with a Tahitian pendant from Hawaii.

Tiny pearls for projects-
Oh JEG, I was lusting after that strand and saw it disappear from the website on Tuesday. I'm so glad it went to you.
Thank you so much, Simply adorned, MSC, BWeaves and Marianne! It was a lot of fun and there were so many things I would love to have brought home!
Oooh a visit to Sarah and her studio ... how wonderful!!! Your new pearls are lovely, Jeg ... Sarah is the real treasure :)
I've been MIA for a while, but have enjoyed catching up on the last few pages of lovelies!

JEG, I love that dreamy SOC keshi necklace from Kojima! I saw it on Instagram, but it wasn’t for sale on her site, so I wondered who got it. Your new necklace from Sarah is beautiful too!

Red, the colors of the Pipi pearls are fantastic! I thought about buying them, but wasn’t sure what I would do with them because there weren’t enough to make a long double necklace. Your extender piece is perfect to turn them into a gorgeous double! I wondered if they would pair well with Fijis, and they really do.

MSC, your acid rain pendant is fantastic, with great luster and textures -- so creative!

Pearl Dreams, your golden strand is wowsers!

Lugana, your double strand of silver akoyas is lovely!

Lary, the pearl in your ring has such a pretty, unusual color! I also love your perfect Tiffany blue mani. What polish is that? The GSS and aquaprase colors look great together – lovely earrings!
Thank you, Gem Geek, Pattye and Kay! Kay, I saw the SOC on the website. I really wanted to wait until my trip to see everything in person, but I didn’t think it would still be there. I’m so happy to have it, as I think it’s a beautiful piece.
No photos I'm afraid, it's been hectic the past 3 days. We had to make 3 separate trips to NY.

Friday we drove to our daughter's college to attend the Honors Convocation, at which awards are given; I wore my golden SS pearls.

Saturday we got up very early to take the train into NYC to attend her graduation. I wore my white SSP. The college rents a facility each year for the undergraduate and graduate ceremonies; it gets around the problem of what to do if it rains. It was cold, raw and rainy all day-- we were glad to be indoors.

Today we drive back to the college and moved her out of her dorm for the final time-- no pearls today!

I am finally sitting down. Feels good! :D