Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Brit, there's two ways. One is to set the reverse camera mode, so you can see on the screen what you are getting a selfie of. The other way is to have the camera facing forward, go to a mirror so you can see what's on the screen (you look at your phone in the mirror to see its screen), and take a picture of yourself that way. It's how I get ear shots. Or you can take a picture of your reflection too. The cropping can either be done in the phone photo app, or on a PC photo editing program (Microsoft has one that comes standard with windows).

I take a selfie either by using reverse camera mode, or by doing it in the mirror like cmd2014 says.

Then I upload my photos to my MacBookPro and edit the heck out of them. I crop them. Zap my zits away. Wipe out my work name tag details, etc. etc. Then I post the photo here.

There is a way to crop photos in my iPhone, but it's just easier to do it all on my laptop.

So, no, my selfies don't look like what I finally upload. My aim isn't that good.
Fireballs again today, but this time as a choker. Included the earrings, as well :). 97 degrees F and humid today, so vintage Laura Ashley dress keeps things a bit cooler at work.
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BritM, I take a few first photos with the front camera to see what fits into the photo, and then turn it to the back camera (because I'm using a really old smashed iPhone for it - the front camera has fuzzy photos) so I turn to the back camera and take a few photos "blindly" trying to keep same posture and phone distance :D then I crop them in some pre-installed program in my laptop (any laptop has pre-installed program that would allow you to do basic editing like cropping). I don't edit any colours, but in general for pearl photos you would want diffused daylight to bring out the colours)
Go ahead - we are waiting for your photos now! :rolleyes: ;)
Awwww - BWeaves, you're too kind. I like to see people's faces occasionally in these posts. In fact, you're a wonderful example for us all. We tend to be way too bashful and modest. I especially like to see us smiling while wearing our treasures :)
Isn't it great that photos of a person wearing pearls always has that person smiling?
BritM - I use the reverse camera on my iPhone and then go into the editing thingy to crop. I like to see (and post) the pearls as they appear in the camera with minimal editing. I"ll sometimes dim the highlights, though, if the luster blows out the whites.
It's been too hot, sweaty and rainy to wear pearls, but I did manage to get a few in this past week.

The Swan with my Kamoka black and white studs.



La Perlagrina pendant from Kamoka, my Tahitian keshi tin-cup from Kojima, and my opal and Tahitian drops from Kojima.


Worn with my Mom's opal ring (which I just got resized to fit my ring finger), and Mom's jade bangle. The opal setting is super sparkly.

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BWeaves: I've always found La Pelegrina beautiful. I really tried to look for it on the forum, but haven't found any information, how big your La Perlagrina pendant is. Could you please post it? I would like to know it for comparison, because I'm lookin for drop pendants. Thank you in forward!
La Perlagrina is 13 mm wide and 15 mm long. It has a smooth surface with a perfect teardrop shape and bands of color around it. What really sold me was the flower shaped bale in yellow gold. I think the price without a chain was roughly $785 USD or something like that, for comparison purposes.
BWeaves, I really like your Swan necklace! Very organic!

I was wearing today my "solitaire" pearl necklace with three pink tahitian pearls from Jac and an amethyst ring. Sorry but I feel obliged to show the whole outfit because I think it compliments the pearls choice)) bear with me please)
Pink tahitians and amethyst.JPG

Pink tahitians flower skirt outfit.JPG