Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Red, what a delicious combo you have! Love it.

Beatriz, beautiful work on the rope. It's lovely.
Today's offering, after taking Jersey's excellent advice and putting this pendant on a spinel strand. I'm playing with adding tiny seed pearls to these pieces, what do you think?

Thank you, JP and Cathy! I just ordered a bunch more of the seed pearls, the ideas are flowing... I had a bit of artist's block for a while but I think it's finally passing.
Pale, iridescent fireballs today. They whisper "summertime" to me :). (Even though I'm stuck in the office.)
Cicadalady, I love your jacket!!

I was wearing my baroque akoyas today. Never thought this strand would be of so much wear when buying it))

Baroque white akoyas.JPG

Akoya baroque outfit.JPG
Laguna - That's a great length on you. That may be one reason you find so many uses for it. (Besides the fact that it's gloriously gorgeous!)
Cicadalady, those pearls remind me of yummy ice cream scoops melting! They look so fluid!

Laguna, Beautiful pearls! They really look very classy.
They dont appear too baroque...They are lovely! Don;t even look like akoyas...I guess I must be tired. Had chemo yesterday...
Beautiful pearls cicadalady!

Love the baroque akoya Laguna, gorgeous outfit too!
Beautiful necklaces, Cicadalady and Laguna!
Thank you ladies! Oh I always wish "I would love to see the whole outfit!!" when seeing someone's beautiful pearls, so I kind of tried to sneak mine in the photo))

Camelotshadow, I hope you feel better today! I would definitely call them near-rounds, but pearlparadise strictly called them baroques) I think it's cause they have rather bumpy surface for near-rounds.. but they do have some character in person)) thank you!
I'm sure this is a stupid question, but how in the world does one take pictures of oneself like ya'll have done? I just got a smartphone (I had a dumb phone, which has a camera but the camera is horrible, but my office recently got me smartphone) and I tried, but I couldn't center them or crop them as I'd want to take photos for this thread. Do ya'll take them all in mirrors or is there some app which allows you to take photos with the cropping ya'll use? (By the way, I know I spell "ya'll" incorrectly, but I've been doing it so long my fingers refuse to type it differently). Sorry for the swerve, but I have some new strands and a floating Kamoka Tahitian I want to post. Plus, my new 35" BB should be here any day, and I really want to take photos. Thanks.