Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

I agree with what everyone else said! I love the new tin-cup and the silver T's.

It's 97F today, and I'm home sick, huddled in the air conditioning. But with PEARLS!

The Hamantaschen and my white gold Mikimoto huggie earrings.

Hamantaschen and my white gold Mikimoto huggie earrings
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BWeaves, I'm sorry to hear that you are home sick. Is it the weather? Your pearls are gorgeous, as always.

Thank you all! Yes, they are very silver. The new strand is overall a lighter silver with blue overtones, in comparison to my original strand which has mostly green and pink overtones. I'm hoping they'll work nicely together in an opera length strand/rope.

tahitian strand overall a lighter silver with blue overtones

tahitian strand overall a lighter silver with blue overtones

tahitian strand overall a lighter silver with blue overtones worn
Sanippy--I always enjoy seeing your silver wear them so well!

Kalmen, that is a beautiful South Sea &Tahitian (?) strand!
Karman, your Robert Wan pearls have beautiful colors and I really like how you put them together with the purple crystals and the end caps. That is a lot of impact from 5 pearls! (I may have to copy that design.) Where did you get the end cap pieces you used on the pearls?

Sanippy (I have to get used to that), those silver pearls just glow on you! They are so metallic – like real silver.

Bweaves, what a great combo of white pearls! I love how creative the Hamantaschen is. Sorry to hear you are sick – summer colds are so annoying (if that’s what it is).

Kalmen, I need a better look at that awesome SS and Tahitian rope you are rocking today.

The top I am wearing today looked best with a simple YG DBTY necklace, but I still needed my pearl fix, so I am wearing my SOC mabe ring from Sarah. It is so colorful in person, but I have a hard time capturing it on film. When I tilt my hand down, I see mostly blue and green, tilted up, mostly pink and purple. It is very distracting while I am typing, lol.

wearing my SOC mabe ring from SarahSOC mabe ring from SarahSOC mabe ring from Sarah

I love the setting Sarah created. The last photo is from her.
Thank you Kalmen, Karman and Kay!

Kalmen, your rope is incredible. So colourful!

Kay, that is one gorgeous pearl. And what a chameleon. I love Douglas' SoCs and hope to have some of my own one day!
The silver strand looks like liquid silver, the glow is amazing!

BWeaves, I hope you feel better. Pearls always make things better. Get well soon.

Kalmen, I'd love to see all of that rope! What pearls did you use?

Kay, that is one of the prettiest mabe rings I have seen. What amazing colors!

Karmen, what a beautiful creation! Once again, incredible luster and color make the pearls look perfect. I didn't notice any flaws whatsoever! Great design and it looks great on you!
SunSeeker, one of my favorite Little H Geodes ever ... like a delicate seashell; so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it again!
Oh, what a delightful tease, Red! And one of my favorite earrings ever :)
OMG the little h pendant.. so amazing..I showed my mom her website and now she is in love with these designs...I gotta squirrel some money away to get one of these gorgeous pieces for my mom.
BW, JP, CathyK, SpookAl, thank you all so much. (..and thank you Hisano!) Hisano is so talented and truly pays attention to detail. Someone at work thought it was a druzy, and couldn't beleive when I told her it is a pearl, cut in half, and filled with sapphires. The back is also a beautiful lusterous peachy-pink. Anyway, BW here a few add'l images.

pearl, cut in half, and filled with sapphires. The back is also a beautiful lustrous peachy-pink little h

little h backside

pearl, cut in half, and filled with sapphires. The back is also a beautiful lustrous peachy-pink little h
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Kay oh I love your ring. Glorious colours.
Sun seeker that little h pendant is amazing. It's one of my favs.
Red how lovely south sea keshi by the beach.

The rope I wore was made by Catherine Cardellini with gold ssp, white ssp and tahitians. She's got such an amazing eye and artistry about putting it together. I was at my local jeweller getting my ring and other vendors there complimented them. So yeah to Catherine!
Here is a close-up look I took a while back.

made by Catherine Cardellini with gold ssp, white ssp and tahitians
Thanks for the the little h pendant close ups. It's stunning. As are Red's earrings. And the multi rope is amazing.

I love it all. I've run out of different ways to say gorgeous.