Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Wow I have fallen seriously behind here ...I've spent the last few days in Sydney and only managed to hop on and off the site..busy busy busy!
Sunseeker - that is a beautiful pendant ..I love the shading !
Kalmen - Lovely rope ! I'm sure you get lots of wear from it !
BWeaves- Love the lapis ! I did like it with the little Krispys but lets face it ..they look great with the pendant !
Purr - you are so adventurous ! Well done with all your designs ! I was thinking of you yesterday as I looked down at the big grey tassel on my bench...what to do what to do ?? Maybe I'll be inspired now ! ( I do love that Tahitian rope !)
Justin - Very cool bracelet - I think most guys would wear that ! Looks great with the watch .
Red- those earrings are so very sweet !
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My white Burmese South Sea pearl ring in Oracle setting from Pearl Paradise.

Burmese South Sea pearl ring in Oracle setting from Pearl Paradise
Red love that ring!
It glows!

I've got a new ring too. It's a ripple from a lot I bought from Kong Pearls at etsy.
I got a local jeweller to make the setting.

ripple from a lot I bought from Kong Pearls at etsy
Bravo ladies! So many stunners lately! :D Between the SoC ring and the little h pendant and all the tahitians, there's a large puddle at my feet...

This is a vintage pearl and gold charm that I recently purchased in a lot of jewelry from my best friend. Her terminally ill aunt was a hoarder and when she took over as POA she discovered 2 security deposit boxes filled with gold coins and jewelry. My bff isn't into jewelry and couldn't tell the difference between costume and the good stuff, so she asked me to sort it all and advise her on how to sell. My prize was being able to cherry pick items to buy from her directly, so I was able to get a lot of broken chains, a pearl necklace, and some charms and rings for way way below scrap value. I wish I had taken some photos of the hoard because it was immense and pretty overwhelming to sort through. It took over 3 hours to do a quick sorting! I hope she makes a killing on it all since the proceeds will go to her aunt's care. Anyways, this is my favorite charm of the lot and it reminds me of my bff who is a very good judge of character.
this is my favorite charm of the lot
it reminds me of my bff who is a very good judge of character
Kalmen, your ripple pearl is so colorful. That ring would get me in trouble while driving, lol.

MSC, that gavel charm is great.

Red, your Burmese South Sea pearl just glows – lovely!

For those who don’t know, the PP Oracle setting was designed based on a custom ring PP had created for Caitlin years before to hold her “purloined pearl.” (Story of the pearls here: ) Red and I both admired Caitlin’s ring, so when we bought Burmese White South Sea pearls at the 2015 Ruckus, we asked John if he could create similar settings. I expected to pay for an expensive custom setting, but PP decided to include the new Oracle setting in its standard line-up, so we got a good deal when it debuted as a Friday special.

Here is Caitlin’s ring:

the Pearl Paradise Oracle setting was designed based on a custom ring PP had created for Caitlin years before to hold her “purloined pearl.”The Purloined pearlsThe Purloined pearls 2

Here is the wax cast of the Oracle setting being designed around my pearl:

Pearl Paradise oracle setting wax mold
Whoops, I forgot the link for the story of the purloined pearls. It is pretty entertaining if you have not heard it before.

Thank you, SunSeeker, Sanippy, JulieBeth, Jersey, BWeaves and Cathy. I just received the earrings last week. The Blossom settings were courtesy of Newberry. She knew I had been waiting for PP to get that setting back in stock, and when she decided to move a pair of white pearls from the Blossom setting to leverbacks, she kindly gave me her Blossom settings. I am so thrilled to finally have pistachio earrings to go with the strand (which is a summer favorite of mine).
Kay the pistachio looks stunning on you. And the blossom setting looks perfect. How wonderful to have pearly sisters willing to give and share. Blessed bunch we are