Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Thanks everyone! I will try and take better pictures next time.
I love all the pearl photos!
BAS those earrings are wonderful!
BAS swooning over your stunning souffl? earrings AGAIN! My favorite piece in your collection! Enjoy your upcoming trip!!!
Thanks, guys! I just packed my Chinese take-out container with some of my pearls for the trip (there was pre-Ruckus discussion on how to pack one's pearls and I like the super light Chinese plastic take-out containers. I wrap the clasps in Kleenex. Light is important since I'm carrying by hand).
Have fun BAS! Looking forward to seeing your PP tour online.
Lisa my photo is so bad it hid all my lines ;)
kelluvpearls ... well, I've used my photoshop skills to turn people right side up again ... but I never thought of using them to make my neck look good enough for photo here ... hmmmmmmm ... LOL! Beautiful photo, I agree with Lisa C :)

BAS ... wishing you and your pearls Safe Travels, luck to the hubby and a great chat!
I love your geodes, BAS! And they look so perfect on you! Safe travels and have a great visit at PP.
My wonderful husband gave me this gorgeous ring for Valentine's Day. It's an 11mm center pearl. He's been on a good pearl buying streak!

Fantastic! Wear in health. Your DH did an excellent job!
Thanks! He actually selected it at Christmas time and chose to give me a pin and earrings and hold this one back for Valentine's Day (I can't be mad...but he hid it from me!!) I already know what my birthday (in March) gift is so this was a complete surprise! 22 years of marriage, and he can still pull one off.