Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Pkinnew, what a stunning ring! So very interesting, the setting really enhances it's beauty. Thanks for sharing the photos, I really enjoyed seeing them.
Pkinnew, your ring deserves all the rave reviews! Amazing pearl, LOVE the way the mounting swirls and lifts off the finger, allowing more light to reach the stones. Not usually a fan of diamonds, but beautifully done here, imo.

Ckrickett, clearly your artistic talent transfers to necklace design, great choice of spinels and blue akoya!

Many thanks, All, for sharing your new treasures.
Pkinnew, I love all you're pearly possessions, but this pink pearl it one of my favorites! Just love it!
ckrickett, your projects turn out so pretty, I love the new black and blue strand! I have got to learn how to knot…
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ckrickett, your project turned out well! That strand is fantastic. I love the random placements and the black spinel really makes the blues pop.

Exactly what I think! And the lavender strand as well. Beads really can enhance pearls. :)
ckrickett, both strands are lovely, but that lavendar strand is especially striking!
Have you all seen Lupita Nyong'o Oscar dress tonight, by Calvin Klein ... made from 6,000 pearls!???!
She looked stunningly elegant last year in that pale blue floaty dress, and this is even better. I never watch the awards, but I was searching for something online for work, and drifted past the phrase "6,000 pearls in a dress" and I skidded to a stop! I hope someone better than me can post a photo here for everyone ...
I got an awful shot on my cell phone, not worth posting. It was spectacular, and probably dreadfully heavy. The close-up was breathtaking.
BAS, she is quoted online as saying the dress is suprisingly comfortable ... what else would a gracious lady say :) ?
She didn't mention sitting, Katbran :)))) Although it looked as though the dress smooths out from just above the waist down. Hope there are closeups and more details tomorrow.
Yes!!! I started a thread on it with a link to it's creation over on Fashion and Style. Just amazing!
Hurray, Marianne!

maybe sitting on pearls that closely seen together is like sitting on one of those chunky-wood-bead mats?
if I were making the dress, I might have an open seam/vent all down the seat, to make two panels. That way you could have an underskirt to sit on, not pearls.
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Phew, glad you included that underskirt….. I was starting to get a very scary picture :)