Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Purr, yes, you, Red, BAS and BabyNurse all bought strands from the first batch. The selection we were able to see at the vault was just a few months later from a new shipment. I had my eyes on too many other things. That particular winter was probably the widest variety of pearls and best selection of pearls I’ve seen at PP.
Haha, I think it might be selective memory, Purr… Yes, that was an expensive winter.:oops:

Sea of Cortez baroque strand and Sea of Cortez keshi necklace. Both from Kojima.
Oh JEG, those SoC necklaces are amazing. I remember lusting after the keshi one, but I had just bought a Tahitian one of the exact same style from Kojima. SoC have a satiny luster and colors like no other pearls.
Sarah (Kojima) had one beautiful Cortez necklace at the Tucson Gem show...had a chance to say hello to "my babies" just a week ago :cry:
Thanks so much, BWeaves and SurfnSci! Douglas, Sarah always has such beautiful pieces. Sigh…

I made a necklace similar to this one for a pearl friend last summer. I liked the way it turned out, but it took me a while to get around to making one for myself.
Wow, everyone looks fabulous! Purranha, so so so nice to see you back here :) Your new "brooch conversions" do not disappoint, glorious every one; I'm glad I don't have to choose a favorite. I have a small collection of very modest antique gold/gemstone brooches from my suit wearing work days, when one was always on my jacket lapel. I struggle to find ways to wear them now but can't bear to part with them.

Jeg, your second photo from that January PP meetup is the only photo I have saved, of the 2 Tahitian strands that "got away" that still haunt me! Baroques, with incredible colors and wild metallic luster unlike anything I've seen since. The 2 temp strands had a very different end piece also, so maybe from a different lot. Should have ... sigh ...
Eolian, thanks so much for the details on your "reshaped" clasp end. Made me laugh ... every single little pendant chain I wore with a business suit not so very long ago had a "squished end" ... simple but effective. I didn't imagine the drill holes on your pearls would be big enough to slip over ... Clever!

Here is the detail of the clasp ring Cathy.View attachment 463157
Question for everyone on this thread (and at 891 pages!):
Can we start a thread for HOW you store your vast collections of pearls. After all, how do you remember all the pearls you own? Do you have them is a display type case, or in pearl folders, or cataloged? With the extensive volume of ensembles I've seen on this thread I'm wondering how your "jewelry box" is organized. For some of you it must be more like a store!
Please share!
Question for everyone on this thread (and at 891 pages!):
Can we start a thread for HOW you store your vast collections of pearls. After all, how do you remember all the pearls you own? Do you have them is a display type case, or in pearl folders, or cataloged? With the extensive volume of ensembles I've seen on this thread I'm wondering how your "jewelry box" is organized. For some of you it must be more like a store!
Please share!
That's a great idea, MotherOfPearlTrumpet. I definitely need to re-evaluate my jewelry storage, especially my pearls. I've outgrown what I have & need new ideas. I do forget what I have. I would love to know how Jeg stores her magnificent pearls.
I think that is a Great idea from @MotherOfPearlTrumpet
Would be great to see how y'all (trying my best Texan accent there :LOL:) store and take care of your extensive pearl collections.
Oh boy… so sorry to disappoint but my method of storage has graduated from shoe boxes to Rubbermaid. I am currently in the process of changing out anything stored in the colorful silk pouches to cotton/muslin bags. I’ve always been worried about the silk pouches but just haven’t gotten around to replacing all of them. I haven’t had any problems with them, but I know if they experience any kind of moisture, the color will bleed and definitely will bleed onto the pearls and stain them.

Wearing Fiji pearls from Cees with earrings I made with jade slices from locally sourced jade.