Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Oh my goodness, sooo many gorgeous pearls this past week, wow! Thank you all for the eye candy :love: (and for the kind words for my SoC ring that I've been wearing nonstop, haha)

@BWeaves I love Sharky! What a fantastic pearl, and I agree that the pattern on the "back" is lovely, as well. Beautiful new matching studs from Ocean's Cove, too. And pleeease post pics of your new Kamoka ring when it arrives! I love the special lab grown diamonds they are using and that pearl looks spectacular.

@jeg I love every pearl you wore of course, but those Edisons are amazing! The size and luster are drool-worthy. Your Rikitea strand has such lovely colors. And your Paspaley strand, wowza!!!

@Lilpearl What incredible GSS!!! Your strand is breathtaking and the earrings are fantastic.

Tahitians from CMW for me today...
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Love the Tahitian tin-cup. What's CMW?

I always love seeing JEG's outfits and pearls. Style goals!
Oh JEG, I love your Bubbles strand. Another one I dithered on too long, and it was gone.

Oooo, mailman just brought me some 10 mm Tahitian studs from Sarah at Ocean's Cove. Bright green peacock with hot pink overtones. Very shiny. My photo doesn't capture the colors. All my pearl studs are 9 mm. And my Tahitians are all mismatched, black and white, which I love. But now that my lobes have gotten used to 9 mm, I'm experiencing PSS and wanted larger studs that matched.

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I really need to quit buying stuff at the end of the year, but the discounts around X-mas are too good to pass up.
Wow, those are a wonderful size for you. PSS is definitely real.
@jeg Thank you! I love the necklace you made, and I especially like the different bead colors you used - very unique and chic!

@BWeaves CMWpearls sells loose tahitians and has recently started selling bead-nucleated FWs and a few SS and akoyas. They've even started making some ready-wear jewelry. Be careful, though, haha - I can only go to their website if I am purposely looking to buy something, as any intentions I ever have for just window shopping are always derailed!
@SurfnSci beautiful necklace! I have been following cmw for a while and they really do have some fantastic pearls.

@jeg your pearls, as always, are inspirational! That ring especially catches my eye.

Here is what I'm wearing today. All from Pearl Paradise. Baby tahitian pendant, drop threader, and a big old tahitian keshi ring. Also my second piercing white freshwater studs that never get taken out.

Tahitian pearl pendant ships wheel design
Pearl Threader Earrings
Keshi pearl ring
Thank you, SurfnSci and lary007! BWeaves, that’s a gorgeous ring. Who can resist peacock with green and pink overtones?!? Lary007, I love all your pearl choices, especially that SS ring!!!

We took a quick trip to San Francisco to do a little Christmas shopping. Here’s a not so great pic of Bunny in Union Square.

Back home now. Wearing a champagne golden Akoya strand from Takahashi Pearl, with little h earrings, and a mixed Akoya tin cup I made.
All of it is just exquisite, jeg! I've been looking at Takahashi's Instagram for a while.. when you purchase from them do you just direct message them or do they have a website?
JEG: I love the little h pearls in a pearl earrings. And I love how the strand and the tin-cup layer.
Thank you, lary007! I message Takahashi through their Instagram. They have so much inventory, you can ask for just about anything. Just be specific about what you are interested in- type of pearl, size, color, quality and they will send pics of what is available. Or if you want more info about something you see on IG. I have been beyond happy with everything I have received from them.

Thanks, BWeaves! I’ve been into the short chain layers.

A pearl medley strand from Kojima, and a pair of beautiful rare 9.5-10mm Akoya studs from Takahashi.
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As always...just love the jewelry and you stylish fashion! The snowy background just adds to it all :heart:
Lovely ombre's everyone. I remember than cloud necklace. It looks lovely on.

Today I'm wearing my Kamoka All Josh 2019 Harvest strand and my black and white Tahitian studs from Kamoka. Lighting is terrible for photos though.
Thank you, Douglas, lary007, and BWeaves! Very pretty combo, lary007! I’ve purchased a few things from Aloha Pearls at shows in Hawaii. They have a huge inventory. I was looking at cards and cards of Tahitian keshi and finally was so overwhelmed I didn’t end up getting any. BWeaves, I can picture your Kamoka’s from memory. Really love that All Josh strand. Equally bad lighting here…

Snow day! It’s really coming down here. At this rate, we’ll be buried in a foot of snow in no time. I am working on my second latte and watching the snow fall from the front windows. (you usually see a peek of my backyard) Wearing a pair of Tahitian studs from CMW, and a strand of mostly color banded T’s I put together.
Just the right amount of circles on that strand, IMO!

I would love to see all of Aloha Pearls's inventory in person! My one regret from my trip to Hawaii (only been once) was that we went right after the state opened up for travelers from mainland US and none of the shops I wanted to go to were open, I did end up getting a steal on a baroque akoya rope from the resort shop though. I'm guessing it was only a steal because they were desperate to make some money. There was hardly anyone staying.