Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Love these Tahitian ringed/circled pearls...specially since they have just ONE ring (for the most part) and right in the middle! It just makes it really unique! The colors are deep, the luster magnificent. Just lovely!
Lovely keshi bracelet too!, they look quite large! How big are they? Sorry that I always ask "technical" questions ;)
That keshi bracelet is stunning jeg and so is the circled tahitian rope. Amazing luster on those circles. And thank you for the information about jmb gems. I have to check them out one day.
I'm drooling over the circled Tahitians rope, JEG. I LOVE it. That would be my favorite T rope ever.
Your circle Tahitian rope that you made is gorgeous, jeg! I knew it was only a matter of time!! And your keshi bracelet is just as lovely!

I’ve posted only twice since the website changed, and I’m not yet sure how to post large images from my iPad.

Images posted below (although not in action) are 3 necklaces I purchased at the mini PP ruckus that I had forgotten about - and they were still waiting for me after 2 years!!
A dark circle Tahitian rope (not quite as dark IRL, but very colorful)
A matching multi color SS rope from Jacques
A Tahitian souffle
And last but not least a large fw Chinese feather pearl necklace from Pacific Pearls that I bought last month when jeg, newberry and I visited Kojima Pearls.


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Thanks Douglas, Charlotta, BWeaves, and lmgarden! Douglas, hmmm, I’m not sure on the keshi mm. I am guessing around 9-10? Wow, BWeaves, that surprises me! I take that as a big compliment since you have, and have seen, so many T’s! lmgarden, seeing your rope at PP was the impetus I needed to finally check that off my list. I think Jun had just posted these pearls, so it was perfect timing for putting this rope together.

Two, J. Hunter Fiji bracelets. The toggle bracelet is from Fiji, and the bracelet in front was put together with pearls from PP. Worn with a carved Tahitian pendant on a vintage Akoya keshi strand from Kojima.
Good morning! My right hand is doing not so fine...having issues writing :(
Will keep it short!
I have a soft spot for Fijian Pearls...I love what Justin is doing with them.
That "Feather Necklace" is very lovely!
WOW Jeg and Imgarden!!!! So much eye candy for one page!!!! Those dark peacocks are amazing!!!! And the keshis!!!! So colorful and lustruous!!! And the multicolor southseas...
LOVE LOVE LOVE all your new pearls!!!! And older ones too Jeg, the Fijis...on my wishlist...

Thank you for the bubble love, this is becoming my favorite bracelet of summer 2021:-)

Get well soon Douglas!
Thank you! I'm doing better today :D
Love the bracelet!
Been away for a bit, caught up in finishing a "work" project ... and I'm just stunned by all the beautiful pearls posted here! WOW, ringed and circled dark and lustrous, mysterious Tahitians ... bright and bubbly bracelets ... a MUCH appreciated closeup look at some lovely feather pearls ... a few keshi jumped ship and adopted a new owner ;) .... Thank you all for posting such beauty! Douglas, PLEASE rest those broken bones ... please.
Thank you Cathy! I am trying. My bones have almost healed BUT the doctors said I also had suffered a type/level-2 injury on the wrist's ligaments (could not be evaluated when I was all swollen) so I'm doing daily therapy at a local clinic. Seems this wrist injury is the most pressing issue...and painful when you try to do anything. My attempts at becoming a "leftie" are ludicrous!
Stunning pearls you found lmgarden. That south sea strand looks delicious
jeg, beautiful bracelets and that carved pearl pendant is just perfect
eolian pearls, I can see why that bracelet is your current favorite. I have been toying with an idea to combine pastelly tahitians, golden south sea pearls that are not deep and freshwater pearls in softer colors. I only have those very purple freshwater pearls and some smallish peachy egg shaped ones right now. I checked some edison strands out on etsy but they mostly looks to dark. A project for autumn.
Thank you, Douglas, eolian, Cathy and Charlotta!

Douglas, how did I miss hearing about your injury?!! Please take care of yourself and heal quickly!

Eolian, it’s a perfect summer, or any season bracelet! Fun to gaze at with all the different types of pearls. Charlotta, I see the wheels spinning for a future project.

Cathy, I love the keshi- thank you! :07:

Tin cup and earrings I put together with SS keshi.
Oh my goodness, so many beauties posted lately! Some highlights for me definitely include:
TriciaS ' pondslime necklace - I adore those colors! The effect is so soft and earthy, soothing. eolian pearls I love love love that simple look with the t shirt and the floating tahitian! There was another image similar where you were wearing a single pearl and a white eyelet top that looked incredible, too, definitely want to try this look.
lmgarden the multi SS rope is looks like a really versatile length as well, and I like the soft pale golds mixed like that, like the underside of the clouds as the sun sets. The size irregularity is especially inviting here
jeg It's like...where to start.?? The circled tahitians are really special and I appreciate that you show the jewelry in context as well as close up, your dedication!!
Thank you Douglas, Charlotta, Jeg and theseventhsphinx for your kind words!!!

I am looking forward to seeing your bubble creations Charlotta!

Jeg, those SS keshis have such a beautiful luster!!! Very very pretty tincup and earrings!

Today I took out my 14mm blue pendant from Druzy. Forgot about that one, looks like another summer piece I will wear often.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Stunning pendant eolian pearls. I am looking forward to the new bubbly project as well. I am thinking roundish pearls since freshwater pearls usually aren't circled. Pearls for project:0 I did however bought some more circled south sea pearls today...
Thank you Charlotta and Douglas! I am on a pearl roll here :) Finally wearing the summery hippy necklace from Margaret of Simply Adorned. Went on a mini vacation bought a linen jumpsuit that goes so well with this necklace!
And here I am admiring this silverly rose pearl on my labradorite barcelet again...


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Thanks so much, Charlotta, theseventhsphinx, and eolian!!

eolian, those light pieces are so perfect for your seaside setting. I love the colors, too!

Another road trip across the mountains for a celebration with the in-laws. It was hot! It’s been hot here, too, so I’ve only worn earrings if anything at all. A stop on the highway to get homemade fudge and toffee covered nuts.:yumyum:

I’ll have to start another post as my photo library isn’t coming up...:confused2: