Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Lovely combination of pearls, BWeaves. I'm also envious of your weather. It is -10 F here.

SydK, Your necklace has beautiful colors!
I define perfection as 70* and puffy clouds-- my vote's with BWeaves. We had snow here and expect quite a bit more over the weekend ( but not as much as Red).

However, I will take the Hawaiian beach as well! Jeg-- I thought that was salmon roe with your shaved ice!! It would have been interesting

Ha I thought it was Salmon Roe as well ! And totally agree on the perfect temperature !

BWeaves... Tahitians look wonderful !
Red - The Fiji keshi look great on the colour of your sweater !!
Just returned home and I have a lot of catching up to do. I had to take a double take on the Lilikoi popping boba when they were making the shave ice because it looked like (Ikura) salmon roe to me, too. It was delicious!
One last photo. A live filming in progress of Hawaii Five-O. They left Kamekona’s shrimp truck and the Swat vehicle for most of the afternoon for photo ops.
The bluish akoyas from Wendy at Pearlescence on:
The clasp with small akoyas and an aquamarine is from a vintage strand I bought years ago. It had a triple strand of ricepearls before.
This is what they really look like.
The bluish akoya tincup I finished today with tiny silverwire, 0,4mm, on.
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Today I wanted to wear my tahitian and golden strand and a champagne enhancer with champagne studs. The baroque tahitians are from Cees, the goldens in the strand are leftovers from my greenish strands from Kongspearl, the least green ones, the enhancer is from Bob at Pearlsociety and the studs from TahitiPearldesigner.
Ooh, I love your triple - making the strands the same length and loosely twisted like that rather than nested looks great. The clasp is magnificent with the blue pearls.
And your mixed strand looks wonderful worn. That coppery pearl on the right is unusual and very cute.
Thanks everyone for being so nice about my little nuggets :)
I had fun wearing them today, and the colours showed up much better in sunlight than any of my other pearls.
Charlotta, your pearls look wonderful! I love the Aqua clasp with the blues; a wonderful pairing. Your wired necklace is beautiful. I really need to learn to do wire wrapping. And your mixed Tahitians & Goldens look is fabulous! You are rocking it, Girl!!!
Thank you 86Corvettegirl. You should try wirewrapping, it's fun. Though hard on the eyes and hands.
OK, got to see the necklace Charlotta. It's great! I still love your mixed goldens and Tahitians, that's one of my faves.
Wore my ombré SS & Tahitian necklaces with my PP white Akoyas to dinner last night along with my SS & diamond earrings & Tahitian & Blue Sapphire ring.


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    Ombre SS Tahitian Akoya.jpg
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    SS Diamond earrings.jpg
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    Tahitian blue sapphire ring.jpg
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Beautiful, 86C! I love black and white, too, and I love ombrés! And I love going out to eat, too!:p