Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Beautiful tahitians SydK, they look great on you.
Red, that looks cold. I read yesterday that spring has come to southern sweden, we will see about that, no snow at the moment. They have blizzards in northern sweden though. Pretty tahitians.
Red, that looks SO COLD! Hope you and your lovely Tahitians are staying warm.
My new leftover strand. It's flawed but fun. The luster is great, my photos not so much. Still in a t-shirt and pyjamapants though.
Looped with an enhancer.
Doubled so it looks like 2 strands.
Just doubled randomly.
They really look more like this though.
Darn light
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Love your ying-yang style rope, Charlotta. A fun piece.

We got another 6 inches of snow overnight. I pulled on my wool OSKA sweater Dyani in Hurricane and my wool and linen blend OSKA scarf Loke in Beam along with my Fiji keshi necklace and headed out to lunch on these freshly plowed streets. Blizzard force winds have shut down travel just south of us, but we are fine here in the city.


You look toasty warm in those lovely sweaters and scarves Red ... I wore my Fiji keshi necklace all weekend too; in the ice ... the indoor ice at my grandson's hockey tournament.

We used to call all those icicles "ice cream" weather because our dads and uncles would say we couldn't make homemade ice cream if they had to buy bag after bag of ice. When the icicles hung from the cliffs and eaves, our pack of cousins would plead and beg, blackmail and bully lol till they went out to the cliffs with hammers, brought back lots of icicles, and we'd get out the handcrank freezers and make homemade :) We never had a shortage of store ice cream, but it was never the same as a winter ice cream party! Stay warm, all.
Aloha! The Traveling Pearl found a couple new buddies at the airport that wanted to tag along on our trip. Sorry to post and run, but it”s still daytime here and we’re taking advantage of the warm weather. Especially after seeing your chilly pictures!


Yeah, it's getting down to 74F here today. A real cold front. Sorry Red. And I have a bad headcold.
Thanks Cathy. I'm sneezing my head off, while hand weaving. Don't tell my boss! If I'm going to be sick, I might as well enjoy my sick day.

UPDATE: I feel like I'm being punished for bragging about the hot weather. I'm even sicker today. Just a head cold. I'll get over it.
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Oh yikes, Red! That sort of weather would have all schools closed and people staying home or in car accidents in Texas! We do not know how to drive in snow!!! Hope you are staying warm (it looks like you are!) and keep those pearls on... the Fijis and Ts should give you a bit of inner warmth just by their colors!

Jeg! Why don't you ever take us with you? :D
Ooof Red, that's a lot of snow! I hope you can snuggle up at home and don't have to drive in it.

jeg, I want to come to one of your tea parties!
We have already set the record for the most snowfall in February. As for driving in it, we were fine in the metro, but no one was driving in Southern Minnesota on Sunday. Take a foot of fresh snow, add sustained 40 mph winds and you get drifts that no one can drive through. This is my nephew standing in his driveway which had been plowed the day before. Now it was covered with 5 foot drifts of snow.


Today I am wearing a perfect Kamoka Tahitian pendant with my OSKA shirt Turea in Flint. They might call it Flint, but it is also one of my favorite Tahitian pearl colors.

That is a lot of snow Red! We seem to be having less snow than usual so far this year. I don't know if El Niño has anything to do with it, but I'm not complaining.
Beautiful tahitian pendant Red, lovely pendant. So much snow, ours is gone now. Snow is the main reason for me driving an off road truck. It got stuck just once but not-husband got me loose quickly. Also it's so high that I see everything and really sturdy because 2 years ago I had an accident with some slick ice and a roadsign, just scratches on the car and none on me. It just plowed through the snow a couple of years ago when there was a blizzard and I had to go to work. So it is possible to drive in snow just have to be careful and have good tires.
Wow, that’s a gorgeous pendant, Red. That’s one of my very favourite pearl colours, too. I have a floating pearl from Kamoka in a similar colour, but it’s smaller (10mm) and I don’t wear it much. Maybe I’ll try to sell it and start a search for something bigger.
Wow, that’s a gorgeous pendant, Red. That’s one of my very favourite pearl colours, too. I have a floating pearl from Kamoka in a similar colour, but it’s smaller (10mm) and I don’t wear it much. Maybe I’ll try to sell it and start a search for something bigger.

Thank you, SydK and Charlotta. SydK, my pendant is not much bigger than yours, only 11mm. I had to go and check after your comment. I hope you find something that you love to wear.
