Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Pammbw: I love the look of that crocheted necklace, but I would be terrified of a break in the chain, since chain stitch unravels like crazy. I think this might be one time when faux pearls are preferable. It looks like a fancy tin cup.

Battah: I love that combo, but the necklace with the stacked pearls is really striking.
Today is Kojima Waterfall day paired with my bluish Tahitian pearl octopus with blue diamond eyes. I'm still waiting for the pearls I ordered for Sheri to use to make my special octobaby!!


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Lovely pearls everone, you are right about olive green Bweaves. It goes so well with pearls. Fun thingh though my Not Husband calls the color brown. And he is not colorblind, shades of colors do pass him by though. Whenever I describe something as a warmtoned or cooltoned shade of something he looks at me like I'm demented.
Kamoka only ever had two of those coconut rings, both unique. I was lusting after the size 8 one, but was afraid it wouldn't be comfortable. My knuckles are very large.
I want coconut ringssssss. I've been searching but nothing I've seen online is nearly as nice.
86Corvettegirl,, I love the way you have layered the waterfall with your octopus - it is a lovely little cephalopod, too! I'm honored you want to add one from me to your collection...can't wait to see your pearls!

I'm still feeling glum over having to say goodbye to love-of-my-life feline companion for 19+ years Cleopatra a couple days ago, so decided maybe it would perk me up to wear a bright dress, an enamel pendant I commissioned from cloisonnée master Merry Lee Rae a few months ago in Cleo's honor, and a chunky mixed SS lariat. Thinking a big slushy Starbucks frappuccino with lots of whipped cream and caramel will also be therapeutic...


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la_corsetiere, I'm so sorry to hear about Cleopatra. I bet she still comes around to keep a watchful eye over you. It's so hard to lose them. I have a Rottweiler that is my constant companion for almost 10 yrs.

I'm looking forward to seeing the pearls I ordered. I hope they get here soon so I can send them to you. I hope one will work out for my special octobaby. I know, with your talent, you will make me the perfect cephalopod. I have wanted one like we talked about for a long time.
Oh Sheri, I'm so sorry to hear you lost Cleopatra. She was a beauty. Although it has been nearly 20 years, I still think of my sweet Shadow, who was with me for over 16 years.
Oh, I'm so sad to read of Cleopatra's passing. :( I just showed her photo to my daughter a couple of days ago and she thought she was beautiful, too.

Well, I had an interesting day! My H and I went to the East Coast Gem, Mineral and Fossil show in Springfield, MA. (It continues tomorrow and Sunday if anyone wants to go, and there won't be any tax charged the next 2 days.) I wore my Fijian pearl on my mother's box chain, and while I was standing at a booth with my husband, I was approached by a P-Ger named Stephanie, who asked if I was wearing a Fijian pearl! How rare is that-- meeting someone from the forum who recognizes Fijian pearls! We had a nice chat. She said she doesn't post much but maybe she will visit the forum soon. :)

Here it is, photo taken just a few minutes ago. It's picking up the green from my top.

Fijian pearl in evenng light.jpeg
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Oh Sheri, so sorry about sweet Cleopatra’s passing. You’re honoring her very well with your lovely cloisonné pendant! I know she appreciates you AND the thought.
Thank you for the lovely shout out, Pearl Dreams! Your Fijian pearl is truly stunning and it immediately grabbed my attention.

I have been an infrequent browser at this forum for many years but have forgotten my original username so I created a new account. I hope to be a very frequent poster :)

I adore golden South Sea pearls but I also love all other types of pearls. Seeing pictures of Tahitian pearls when I was in middle school is actually the catalyst for my obsession with gems, jewelry, and pearls, so Tahitians are definitely special to me.

My most recent pearl purchase is a blue baroque Vietnamese akoya necklace that is approximately 23 inches long. The pearls range from 3-6 mm in diameter and have the most wonderful blue color. The necklace is actually a combination of a strand and a bracelet. The strand was purchased on Loupetroop and was originally from PearlParadise. I bought the bracelet from PP in July during the summer clearance sale. I promise to take pictures of myself wearing the strand tomorrow!

For now, here is a terrible picture of the strand. It looks quite silver in the photo but is much more blue in person.
Ooh, nice! I'd also love to see a neck shot of the the GSS you mentioned when we chatted today at the show. :)

I only wish there were more nice pearls at that show; I saw lots of low end FWP.
Your last user name was tahitiangirl. If you would like to reset your password, let us know. :)
I'm so sorry about Cleopatra Sheri, such a beautiful cat. I to have an older cat, around 12, that have been poorly for the last year. She gets hairballs stuck in her intestines, we give her medicin and eventually they pass. Then she is a happy healthy cat for a month, then another round of hairballs. We did take her to the wet, they can take them out with surgery, but since she gets them so regularly it's no use. They gave us medicin though, but it takes forever to work. I really dont want to loose her