Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Battah, I LOVE that ring! I think it’s my favorite so far.

La_Corsetiere, so glad you are wearing your pearls, and no small souvenir! I love Kamoka pearls!

BWeaves, that looks so light with the all white.
((Frost Me)) Glad you like it!

I've had this mixed strand of SS and Tahitians that needed restringing, but the holes were all over the place size-wise, so I strung it on beading wire with Beadalon gray silicone bumpers, and Beadalon " scrimps" (beads with a little screw that hold the wire in place when tightened). The necklace is very comfortable. :)

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I decided that my lavender pendant admin present looks best with my little Hanadama pearls. The color is not quite as dark as it seems in the photo, but you can see that the top has a band of blue. It also has a cute little bump on the bottom.

Thank you to Hisano and Jeremy -- and everyone who participates on our awesome forum!

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Thank you for all the hard work you do killing spammers and posting wonderful pearls of the week. You are a pearl!
GemGeek, I love that we have sister lavender pearls! I'll have to try wearing mine with my metallic white FW studs.
It's fun having sister pearls! I also have metallic white earrings, although I'm not sure where they are - probably in the dread (keyless) safe deposit box! It's my habit to put most of my stuff away before I go on trips. Now, even more, I need the box so that if there is a fire, I won't lose a lot at once. It has been my habit to rotate through my jewelry so that I only have some of it with me or in the house.
PD, your mixed Tahitians are lovely, and I would love to hear more about the "scrimps"! I've used crimps intermittently on longer ropes I've strung on cable, but thinking perhaps these would work better? Are they removable?

GG, your purple pearl is TDF!!! I do like it with the whites, since it is hard for anything else to compete with that luscious color.

Continuing in my "just wear them!" mode, I pulled out an old pendant, one of the very first "monster" Tahitians acquired, about 18mm. I have never been excited about wearing it. It has a lovely smooth surface, but the color is blah, and the setting with little diamonds too conservative for me. So instead of the usual gold chain, I put it on a strand of faceted labradorite and paired it with a big pyrite-encrusted crescent, some funky celestial earrings, and a nice utilitarian gray T. I much prefer the "dressed down" look! Time to go do some laundry!


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PD, your mixed Tahitians are lovely, and I would love to hear more about the "scrimps"! I've used crimps intermittently on longer ropes I've strung on cable, but thinking perhaps these would work better? Are they removable?

The scrimps are removable and reusable! You can tighten or loosen the screws using the same size screwdriver one would use to adjust eyeglass screws. If you buy the kit, the scrimps come with a little screwdriver with extra screws.

I check the screws periodically to be sure they don't need tightening, but so far they have not needed it (but I also haven't had them very long).

If making something to sell, I think I would want to put a little drop of glue in the threads before tightening, just to play it safe.

I only wish I could find them in sterling silver. So far I've only found them plated.
It's fun having sister pearls! I also have metallic white earrings, although I'm not sure where they are - probably in the dread (keyless) safe deposit box! It's my habit to put most of my stuff away before I go on trips. Now, even more, I need the box so that if there is a fire, I won't lose a lot at once. It has been my habit to rotate through my jewelry so that I only have some of it with me or in the house.

I am appalled at what you folks in CA are going through with those horrid fires.

My husband misplaced his safe deposit box key a few years ago; fortunately I still had mine. He finally located it hidden in a spot that seemed logical to him at the time.

I misplaced the title to my husband's old Corolla after removing it from the safe deposit box in anticipation of selling the car. He delayed selling it and in the intervening months I forgot where I had put the title. I had to jump through hoops to replace it when we had a buyer, only to finally locate the original document -- in the freezer. Then I remembered I had placed it there just in case there was a house fire! :rolleyes:

Now if I ever hide something I create a document on my computer detailing where it is.

Hmmm.... did you check your freezer for the key? :D
I don't usually hide the key, just put it out of direct sight. As for the freezer, I have heard the freezer is one of the places they check and the bottoms of jars of cold cream, etc. My best strategy is the fact that I own too much junk and they would have to go through a mass of stuff to find anything.

The last time I saw the key envelope, I was lightening the load in my purse and took it out. I'm pretty sure I did this at Mom's house right before I went to Vegas in June and she saw it and put it some place safe, thinking it was hers. LOL!
Pearl Dreams, your necklace is magnificent. Scrimps? I must admit to being curious about them.

Sheri, I love the entire combo, including the tee shirt.
My newest creation that I'm wearing everywhere. The pearls are blue Tahitians from Kojima. I wish I could describe how incredible their color is.


Further out shot, alongside my ever-present Tahitian choker that I got in Hawaii.

la_corsetiere, That is one amazing Tahitian! You say blah, I say fabulous and perfectly paired with your labradorite necklace and the rest of your funky look. I love it!

GemGeek, PD, I love your lavender pendant. The color is fabulous!

jeskat, sweet earrings & fun necklace. Is it crocheted or braided?
Today’s look - I went rummaging through boxes and bags of strands I bought but never used because I wanted some rad layers like I saw at Ruckus. These, for some reason, don’t photograph well at all but they’re all very colorful and pretty in person!

Ooh, I love the contrasting textures, Battah, makes me want to take apart and start restringing my pearls!

And I love that gorgeous Tahitian on the crochet necklace, Jesskat - a great look!
Thanks, la_corsetiere! Love your stack, too - the huge T looks awesome with the crescent.

Jesskitty those blue Ts are incredible.