Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Not a post about my pearls (although I did wear my Tahitian keshi) but my husband and I took a drive to Greenwich today and stopped in (as we always do ) at Stephen Fox Jewelry on Lewis St., which is right off the main drag of Greenwich Avenue where all the shops are.
I always like to see the pearls this jeweler carries.

The standout today was a natural 16" graduated strand of white pearls dating back to 1925, which I had seen previously in the case but mistook for a graduated akoya "momme" strand. It was in very good condition and the clasp was studded with diamonds. I believe that is the first strand of natural white pearls I have seen in person. :)

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me and can't upload from my flip phone camera. But this shop is worth stopping into if you are in Greenwich and love seeing really nice pearls. There was also a long 3-strand necklace of assorted color pearls (FW, Tahitian and GSS), 2 long white keshi necklaces from Japan, a very long (100"?) Tahitian keshi necklace and a beautiful piece with natural river pearls from Mississippi. Just delightful!
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Aloha! So sorry to post and run but we have really been on the run. Weather and beach are gorgeous this week. Attaching photos of the Traveling Pearl on our early morning walk.



Thanks so much, Bcm, 2thdktr, BWeaves and Bonsava!

Bonsava, I’m glad you found exactly what you were looking for. They are very pretty!

Keeping it light today with a Tahitian drop pendant, and a necklace of SS golds and whites, blue baroque Akoya and Akoya keshi. All from Kojima.
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I'm so behind on seeing everything here. Clever handiwork and purchases, everyone, but I'm head over heels in love with Jeg's necklace. The feathery gleaming akoya pearls take it to pearly heights!
I've been somewhat out of it. Bweaves, the stones on the side of the sea of cortez mabe are little diamonds. They add a little sparkle. And the filigree is in 14k, which is unusual. Most jewelers work in 18k or higher because it is softer.

Charlotta, I love the combination of the small round pearls and the big drop. I never would have tried that.
Mom's freshwater bracelet needed restringing because one of the strands was loose and there were no knots. It took me two tries, and I'm still not 100% satisfied with my stringing. It's the first time I've done it without knots, and I did put at least one knot at each end pearl.

You'll notice the bracelet doesn't lay flat but curves due to more pearls being on one side than the other. This is to make the bracelet lay nicely when it drapes over to top of my hand. The pearls are slightly different sizes, and if I took the time to move some of them around, I think I could get a smoother curve. I know the third stringing attempt will be perfect, but I'm not up for redoing it right now. I want to wear it to Ruckus in less than a week.

I also cleaned up the diamonds on the spacer bars and gave the pearls a good cleaning. They were rather cruddy where the thread goes through the spacer bars. I think this is the best this bracelet has looked in years. I might start wearing it more often.


Natural light.


Bathroom sparkle lights.


Deer taking a rest in my backyard while I strung pearls. They kept one eye on me to make sure I didn't make any sudden moves.

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The diamond spacers are fabulous! Great stringing job, too. :)

We had 2 fawns in our back yard yesterday. A rare treat for us. We were glued to the windows watching them.
Jeg...the Traveling Pearl looks like it's having a great time!!

BWeaves, I love your mom's bracelet. Those diamond spacers are perfect!
Thanks so much Gemgeek and 86C! Battah, that cuff is really cool! BWeaves, your mom’s bracelet looks great all cleaned up!
I've gone through this thread from the very beginning & I would love to know where all the lovely ladies are finding these wonderful octopus & pearl pieces? I love octopus jewelry & have a pendant enhancer with a white SS & green diamond eyes. I would love to find an octopus with a Tahitian. Any advice on a source for Octo jewelry? Here's a picture of the one I have.


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Talk to our own PG friend Sherie Jurnecka, aka La Corsetierre here on PG ... and search here ... you’ll be amazed and delighted :) Apple broke all my devices and internet access so please forgive my typos, etc. as all I have at the moment is small phone, and screen to match the size of Purr’s tiny cranes ! Maybe some PG friends will correct and link to examples etc.
Sheri (la_corsetiere) casts metal octopuses and other figures and sets them with pearls. Use the Search function to find posts with "Octobabies".

Edit: Cathy beat me to it! :D
Thanks, Cathy & PD. I'll do a search.

Sorry to hear about your internet access & your devices. Hopefully, all will be fixed soonQ
Bright but cloudy sky this afternoon...photographed outside. This is my all-around favorite strand. (It's one of the two I recently restrung with navy thread.) You've all seen it a hundred times but here goes again. ;)

Tahitians bright cloudy day outside forum.jpeg

This fawn came to munch on our "Double Delight" rose bush today...sigh.

fawn 7:23:18.jpg
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So much loveliness. I can't decide what's nicer, to look through day by day or to see three pages at once (as I did today)! I'm slightly swooning over suchi's shell cameo, and PD, I understand why that is one of your favorite strands. It is gorgeous.

I just got a new thing - specifically, a golden and blue Akoya bar pendant from Pearl Paradise's summer clearance sale. I like it very much.
