Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Battah, love the combination of the delicate silver against the ebony! Well done!

Charlotta, your clasp collection is to die for!
That cuff is amazing.

White pearls today. Natural white Hanadama rope and Hanadama stud earrings from PP. And the Hamantaschen on a white gold cable choker.



But wait, there's more. Mom's akoya ring.


And Mom's freshwater bracelet. I'm going to restring it tonight. One of the strands feels loose and it's not knotted between the pearls.

I got the sea of cortez mabe that I got at the last years ruckus set as a ring. I really like the filigree:
I'd like to find one this year, to make into a pendant!
BWeaves, you look fabulous! I love your mom's ring & bracelet

Linda.wald, your SOC mabe is beauyiful. I love the setting!
How are there people in the world who don't love pearls? :p
Lol! I agree!!! Those goldens were really demanding attention!

Corvette Girl, love the combo! I did something similar with my baroque blue and white akoyas and I think my mom has them. She loved them so much I told her she could borrow them.

Battah, what a beautiful, classy cuff!

BWeaves, All your pearls look great but I just love your mom's pearl ring!

Linda, your ring is fabulous!!! Beautiful filigree work!!!
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Charlotta, I love old clasps too! What a wonderful collection! And your tiny pearl jewelry are really sweet too!

Jeg, Hawaii, again?? Oh man, I'm jealous!!! Have a great time and make sure the travelling pearl takes lots of photos!
Linda, your SOC ring is gorgeous. What are the stones set in the side?

Amti, I never used to like Mom's pearl ring until I tried it on. For a big, bulky ring, it's amazingly comfortable.
BWeaves, your Kasumi look wonderful. I love the earrings!

I'm headed to dinner with the hubby & am wearing a baroque soufflé necklace & bracelet I got from Sakura on Etsy. I like that I can connect the bracelet & necklace together to make a 30" necklace. I'm also wearing my diamond & SS pearl earrings & my newest SS ring. It's margarita time!!


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Oh my goodness, between battah's cuff, bweaves hanadamas, linda's SoC ring, and 86corvette's souffles there's almost too much beautiful eye candy..almost.
Thanks, Lary007 & BWeaves. I love this set because I can connect the 8" bracelet to the 22" necklace for a 30". The pics don't show it but the luster is very metallic. I'm having Sakura make me a fireball pendant as well. I've picked out a very metallic pink with bronze & slight green overtones. I can't wait to see what she comes up with. Sakura is on Etsy & she has some gorgeous pearl creations at very reasonable prices. I also bought a large golden pink soufflé pendant at the same time I bought the soufflé set. I'm going to get a longer chain to wear it on this weekend.
Yes, our maragaritas were awesome. Our go to waiter at our go to Mexican restaurant always makes ours special with 7 different tequilas. Can't drink too many or we have to have someone come take us home. :D
Never heard of Sakura! I tried searching for the shop on etsy and there were a bunch of results. Is the one you're talking about called sakurapearlsandgems?
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Gorgeous pearls, everyone! What a nice pick-me-up this afternoon! PD those goldens are just heavenly. And Charlotta your clasp collection is fabulous!

Today’s fun pearl piece that I just made. I love cuffs, but they slide around a lot on my wrists so I may look into some kind of lining. But I love the look. I chose a freshwater button for this one, and hand-sculpted the flower from sterling metal clay. Cuff is ebony.
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This is just fabulous....fabulous!!
Lovely pearls everyone. Thanks for the nice words on my clasps. Today I wore an lavender freshwater strand and studs I bought from Pearllunar on ebay and a bead nucleted pink pearl pendant on a silver chain.