Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Simple, elegant and a real eye catcher, in a small but mighty package :) Love, lary007/1
So hot today. I've definitely switched from ropes to pendants to keep the pearls off my sweaty neck. Sigh. I need to move somewhere cooler. I even cut my hair boy short, and it's still too hot.

Kasumi pearls from Kojima.


My sister sent me this photo she took of me and my hubby in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago. I'm wearing the multicolored Tahitians from PP, and Mikimoto earrings. It was really hot that day and Greg is melting. The following day it was cold and I was wearing a turtleneck.

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So hot today. I've definitely switched from ropes to pendants to keep the pearls off my sweaty neck. Sigh. I need to move somewhere cooler. I even cut my hair boy short, and it's still too hot.

Kasumi pearls from Kojima.

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My sister sent me this photo she took of me and my hubby in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago. I'm wearing the multicolored Tahitians from PP, and Mikimoto earrings. It was really hot that day and Greg is melting. The following day it was cold and I was wearing a turtleneck.

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Love the earrings & pendant. The pearls look a golden bronze color on my screen. You Tahitians are beautiful, too. How was Amsterdam?
That's Amsterdam ... one day you're hot, one day you're not :) We visited the flower gardens in early spring, on a sunny Saturday in 70 degree weather. Two days later, a storm front from the North Atlantic rolled in, RAIN, wind and temperatures in the 50's. I love the Netherlands.
Thanks, KMFDallas!

Lary007, love the shape and color of your drop pendant!

BWeaves, those Kasumi’s are so pretty. Great photo, and at least it sounds like you were prepared with a turtleneck and all.
Amsterdam was one of my least favorite cities of the trip. The trip was amazing, so that's like saying freshwater pearls are my least favorite pearl. I'm not a city girl. I like the country and very small towns. In Amsterdam, I thought I was going to be run over all the time. I've never seen so many bicycles in my life, and they stop for no one. Imagine the most bikes you've ever seen in one place and multiply it by 10,000. I'm not exaggerating.

On the plus side, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam was amazing. I made sure we bought tickets the night before and got there right when it opened, and then rushed upstairs to see the Rembrandt paintings right away. We had them to ourselves and my sister wanted to know why I rushed. 15 minutes later the hoard arrived and you couldn't get withing viewing distance of the Rembrandts, because it was so packed with people. Sister said, "OH, now I get it. Thanks." We only made it halfway through the museum before getting tired. We actually had famous painting overload.

For a while I was taking photos of any painting which showed someone wearing natural pearls. Then there were just too many. I'll have to dig through my photos and post some.
Amesterdam sounds really crowded. I've always wanted to visit to see the museums, tulips, architecture, ect but haven't yet. I'm a country girl myself & get crowd overload. It still sounds like you had a good time.
lary007, the shape of your nice edison pearl is a rare perfect tear drop!
BWeaves, I agree you, Amsterdam is a magical town, like any built above waters (Venise is an other jewel)). It's a long time I haven't seen Amsterdam, are there always most number of ladies on bicycles? A time ago, only mans worked, in old town, and thus only womans were seen in the street, often wearing long deep blue pleated skirts.
Eric: Everyone was on bikes. Men, women, babies in baby bike things. I wasn't even safe on the sidewalks because the roads are very narrow and if someone stopped to unload, they completely blocked traffic. The bikes and cars would then drive down the sidewalks if they could manage it.

The bike parking garages were insane looking, too. The bikes are packed closer than the width of their handlebars, to pack more of them into the parking areas. I swear it looked like some sort of modern art sculpture where someone just piles a bunch of bikes in a giant heap and calls it art. It was definitely an experience, and the museums are definitely worth it.

I'm glad we hired a driver to drive us into Germany, because when trying to get out of Amsterdam, we kept running into cars driving the wrong way down one way streets, and our driver forced them to back up down the street. My Dad originally wanted my husband to drive, and Greg say, "No way!"
little h pendant and chain. PP Hanadama studs.


Paintings in a museum in Basel, Switzerland:


These really look like natural pearls. I love her necklace.



Sorry about the nipplage, but I really love her bracelets. And the non-white color of the knots on her necklace. It reminds of something Sarah from Kojima would make.


Outside a museum in Bonn, I think. I saw the original of the Roman coffin cover inside, but I couldn't get a photo without glare on the glass covering it. It's the first time I've seen one of these with a double strand of pearls.


In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam:


I love this one. The painter is actually an old man at the time he painted this, and painting himself as a young man, with a picture of himself as an old man. But PEARLS. I also love the soap bubbles hanging in the air.


A pearl choker never goes out of style!


There were so many famous paintings, all with pearls, that I just gave up photographing everything and just soaked it all in.
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Wonderful pearls, BWeaves! Oh, yes those bikes in Amsterdam ... terrifying and wonderful at the same time. We were fortunate in not having to drive. We walked a lot, and into an area with canals, bridges and no tourists, so we had a nice time. Shamefully we skipped the big museums, as we were at the very end of our trip and just couldn't take crowds. The free train trolley running through the city was a little scary crowded too, but got us where we wanted to be. Most of our stay in the Netherlands was farther out in the country, and the smaller places, the better for us too :) Veere ... oooh, the tiny town of Veere on the Queen's birthday was so wonderful ...
BWeaves, I took pearl pictures in Paris in April. I found this lovely young thing and her fabulous string of pearls and earrings at the Petit Palais.


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Wonderful pics, BW!! I love these paintings of pearls & the beautiful ladies who wore them. Your pendant/necklace & studs look lovely on you. Fla heat & humidity is as bad a Georgia's. Today I wore my multi color FW pearl necklace in the morning while I was running errands but by the time I got home, it was so humid, I had to take them off. I took the picture horizontal & cropped it so I hope it will turn right side up. I wish I could capture the colors but my phone camera washes them out.


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Someday we will figure out how to keep photos from uploading sideways! Meanwhile...


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Bweaves, thank you for sharing the pics! I adore museums of just about any variety, but especially art and history ones.
Wonderful pics, BW!! I love these paintings of pearls & the beautiful ladies who wore them. Your pendant/necklace & studs look lovely on you. Fla heat & humidity is as bad a Georgia's. Today I wore my multi color FW pearl necklace in the morning while I was running errands but by the time I got home, it was so humid, I had to take them off. I took the picture horizontal & cropped it so I hope it will turn right side up. I wish I could capture the colors but my phone camera washes them out.

Multicolored pearls are hard for me to capture too. These look very nice on though!