Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

86Corvettegirl, do your photos come out sideways on P-G if you take the photo in the horizontal format? i.e. hold camera/phone horizontally, to make a wide photo instead of a long one. If all else fails, that might do the trick.
Here you go 86/Corvettegirl :) I have a "charm" style necklace in the mid-planning stages, so it's nice to see one done.

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Thank you for fixing the picture, Cathy. The necklace is quite comfortable to wear even though it's a little weighty. I wouldn't mind a bracelet to go with it. You can't tell by the picture but at the top of each pearl is a diamond cut Sterling bead. The necklace is in Sterling Silver.
86Corvettegirl, do your photos come out sideways on P-G if you take the photo in the horizontal format? i.e. hold camera/phone horizontally, to make a wide photo instead of a long one. If all else fails, that might do the trick.

I haven't tried to take pics horizontally. I'll give that a try. I have tried resizing & rotating the pics on the laptop. Thank you for the advise. I'll get the hang of it one day.;)
Also holding the phone horizontally with the "shutter" button to the right might produce different results than holding it with the shutter button to the left. One might give you upside down photos, the other way right side up.
Red, love the Mobius bracelets and your glasses.

I find that my photos come out sideways when they are full size. If I crop the photo before posting, then it seems to come out the right direction.
Love it all, Red- the glasses, bracelets, and cross-crossed clasps! I pulled out some Fiji’s after seeing your’s. I didn’t wear these out, but I was playing with some of my strands this morning. I connected three different lengths of Fiji strands and wrapped them around.

Thank you, SunSeeker, 86Corvettegirl, Pearl Dreams, Katbran, CathyKeshi, GemGeek, BWeaves, and jeg.

jeg, your Fijians look amazing on you. I know they are too much for everyday, but those will be perfect at the ruckus. Please bring them so they can be admired in person.
Thanks, Red! And bring your two bracelets! I’m going to bring my bracelets and I’d like to get a picture of them together to see the range of color.
Sunseeker and lmgarden, if you see this, bring yours’ , too!
Love it all, Red- the glasses, bracelets, and cross-crossed clasps! I pulled out some Fiji’s after seeing your’s. I didn’t wear these out, but I was playing with some of my strands this morning. I connected three different lengths of Fiji strands and wrapped them around.

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These look lovely together!! Beautiful colors & size variety!!
Too hot and humid here for anything other than a pendant today. I've had 3 people at work today tell me they've never seen a pink pearl.

This is a largish (cant remember what size) drop shaped Edison pearl from PP's black Friday sale I think.


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