Linen PJs today's and Pistachio Tahitian pearls from Kojima. I don't think I realized how rare this color was until long after I purchased them. The photo doesn't show it, but they have a pink glow in the center.
After restringing my natural white Hanadamas from PP, I went on a restringing binge. Oh, my hands hurt now. I need to stop restringing for a while. But I did give everything a good wash, and boy did they brighten up. I think I'm in love with white akoyas again.
Top: My birthday akoyas. Mom bought them when I was born. 5.5 mm. They are not Mikimoto. Mom strung 2 Miki strands into a single necklace and used her own diamond clasp, so she had 2 Miki clasps left over which she used on other necklaces. I'm 65, so these pearls have to be at least 70 years old and they are gorgeous. Very white with a hint of pink. Sharp luster. I examined every pearl under magnification when restringing, and these are perfect. They could easily be Mikis. When Mom was older, she would hang enhancers off this strand.
2nd from top: My rope of natural white Hanadamas from PP. 8 mm. My best pearls.
3rd from top: Mom's 9 mm akoyas. These are also perfect. I don't think there is a flaw in any of them. Softer luster. They really brightened up after a wash. Mom bought them from a vendor at a wholesale jewelry show.
Bottom: Aunt Love's Blue Lagoon strand. 6.5 mm. Incredible luster, but a slightly bumpy surface near the drill holes. Slightly pink. If you can't afford Mikis, there's nothing shabby about Blue Lagoon. The clasp is very streamlined, so this is a good strand for wearing pendants with large bails.
Seeing all these pearls next to the Hanadamas makes me appreciate them more. I hadn't realized how grimy they had all gotten. I'm now on a binge to wash all my pearls, although my hands ache too much to restring any more right now.