Sea of Cortez Keshi Bracelet


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
A Care Ehret bracelet of Sea of Cortez keshi is our latest acquisition, as a direct followup to our Cook Islands keshi bracelet. The bracelets are joined in the photograph below (Sea of Cortez photo from Druzy Design's eBay store). I wonder if they might even be worn together, the smaller Cortez bracelet serving to secure the rather floppy Cook Islands piece??

Considerations: Sea of Cortez has been on my radar for the pearls' striking beauty and color range as well as historical significance. An additional bracelet, and the keshi, by way of our existing pearls, seemed a good way to begin.

As a new customer at Druzy I am unaware if Sea of Cortez keshi have been regularly offered, or if the pearliculture encourages their production (? la Tahiti) or leaves it to chance. Perhaps Douglas in Guaymas can shed some light? Hopefully this piece is as special as it appears, in any case Druzy Design's price was not out of sight.


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smetzler said:
The bracelets are joined in the photograph below ...

Almost :) The different styles (lighting etc.) of the photos do not make comparison easy.... How do the colors compare in person?

Worn together? :cool: You bet! That would be a happy wrist.
Hi Steve,

I commend you on your latest keishi pearl purchase, whether it looks best together or separately, it is a lovely piece.

Some of have been treating ourselves to Care's one of a kind pieces as the budget allows. And speaking for myself, learn tremendously about pearls from her excellent photos and descriptions in spite of being unable to purchase!

As a follower of her site for some years, keishi from Sea of Cortez are seldom offered, overall total production of Cortez Pearls is quite small. She is one of 2 "authorized distributors" in the US who offer Cortez Pearls, and the only one who offers them loose. Be cautious of anyone else offering them, as they might not be authentic.

Hopefully Douglas will be back soon posting here and can answer your question about production.

so many pearls, so little time
Thanks for the offer history (encouraging) and other tidbits. It will be interesting to learn more directly from the source.

Colors: Bracelet is not yet in hand, but am hopeful that the pearl colors are superior to the photo, with more than a measure of iridescence!

Douglas McLaurin posted a few pictures of his choice keshi earlier on. You might have seen his thread: HERE . Nothing since, but he too leave of absence from the forum for a few months... and that was months ago already.
Hi Steve,
I don't believe you'll be disappointed with the Cortez keishis. Colours and iridescence - the pearls change colour continuously, and, months later, you'll be seeing colours that weren't there before.
The iridescence on my pearls is mesmerising; they glow and shimmer like no other pearls I own.
As for rarity, I, too, have been a follower of DruzyDesign for a while, and I don't recall having seen Cortez keishis before, although I may be wrong.
Care states on the item page that yours is the only one she has, so it must be pretty rare.
Hope you'll be delighted with them. And I adore your Cook Island bracelet - just beautiful !
Thanks to Valeria for linking the prior thread with definitive Sea of Cortez keshi photos! For everyone's enjoyment, I repost Douglas's image titled 'Nice Keshi' below.

Comments here are alleviating somewhat my concern regarding Sea of Cortez keshi (ie that they may have an industrial taint similar to Tahitian), primarily due to what seemed a quite reasonable price. Darker colors no doubt would have commanded more. Without divulging the cost of the Cook Islands bracelet, suffice to say it was in another league.

If Douglas doesn't post again soon we may just have to go down and knock on his door!


PS I do plan to take a photo in diffused natural light of both bracelets together upon receipt of the Cortez piece later this week. Will post.


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Hi Steve,

Douglas the Eco-Pirate and Sea of Cortez pearl farmer will be back with us sometime this summer.

You are right, the Cortez pearl's rarity does not reflect its price. I think it's a supply problem that has not yet created a demand(catch -22). The "industrial" production of Tahitians, plus the relentless monies poured into their mass marketing, has made them desirable but about as rare as diamonds---every corner jeweller has a display case full. And every magazine and billboard is telling you absolutely have to own some or you are uncultured.

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Valeria101 said:
The different styles (lighting etc.) of the photos do not make comparison easy.... How do the colors compare in person?
Dodging clouds following receipt of the Sea of Cortez pieces has been a challenge the past couple of weeks. Managed to take this photo today in a moment of respite from the rain?Not worthy of the pearls by any means, but at least here are the two bracelets, two sets of 9/10mm Cook Islands keshi studs and Sea of Cortez Mabe pendant (purchased to complement the bracelet) under the same light.

The Cook Islands Keshi Bracelet thread included a discussion of my wife's prior lack of custom for bracelets and alternate settings for the pearls. The Sea of Cortez piece has actually helped to settle matters, providing a clear alternative for mood and occasion.



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Holy cow! What magnificent pieces! You realize you have an open invitation for dinner at every member's home, just bring your collection so our eyes can feast on dessert! (We promise not to serve steamed clams.)

I'm getting a vastly different color combination on the Cook Island keishis. The top photo is browns, golds, very earth tones. The one below is a vivid blue. Would you know why? Could lighting make that much of a difference?

As always, devastatingly gorgeous, a treat to behold.

Must be those incredibly blue skies here in Seattle? But seriously, I checked the image and it turns out that I had hit 'Auto Adjust' in Photoshop when resizing, and the program doesn't always know what's best. So I have replaced with another image au natural, still woefully inadequate, but a bit truer.

Tempting about all the free (and no doubt delicious) meals?Likewise, regular Pearl-Gliders are always welcome here in Seattle. We travel a lot, so fair warning please!

Slraep said:
Douglas the Eco-Pirate and Sea of Cortez pearl farmer, will be back with us sometime this summer.

You are right, the Cortez pearl's rarity does not reflect its price. I think it's a supply problem that has not yet created a demand.
Douglas did EMail today confirming everyone's suspicions that his keshi are purely accidental, and that he has none at the moment. Regarding Sea of Cortez pricing, EBay would not seem the most appropriate place to optimize image and profitability long term. But I am not an EBay regular, and my perception may be wrong.

I agree with Knotty. You and your wife can come to my house anytime, don't forget the "pipi" when you come! Beautiful combo. Do you like the Sea of Cortez Mabe? I pondered that myself. Does it have the same glow and rainbow colors of the bracelet? I am not really a mabe person but I liked the Druzydesign piece.
Ingykiz, I was eyeing that mabe very seriously as well! I'm pleased to know that it has found a good home, however. Thanks so much for sharing with us, Steve!
Looks like a mini-convention is in order, and everyone can bring their treasures. Seattle as venue?

You can imagine my feelings about mabe having started with naturals. Nonetheless, the subtle and intense coloration of pteria sterna shell (vs. the gaudiness of Haliotus/abalone) seems to push this concept to a higher, more noble level. Also, this piece adds more diversity to our current collection than a cultured drop pendant.

The pendant is every bit as spectacular as we had hoped, highly iridescent with a perfect mirror.


Are you sure you replaced the photo with an unedited version? Both pieces are still showing a strong blue tinge, and neither looks very much at all like the photos in the first post.
Not much more to do except try again with a better setup/camera. I did notice some difference?you might try refreshing to be sure your cache isn't still displaying the first photo. But no claims of artistry here.
I am so thrilled for you! Of course, I also considered buying that pendant! The less expensive pieces are always tempting, and how can you go wrong with a Sea of Cortez anything?

We will all want more photos when the weather improves.;)

Congratulations to you and your wife!
Fabulous, Steve, many thanks for sharing....
And, yes, I, too, had my eye on that mabe pendant.... Just gorgeous.
I wonder how many of us had it on our watch page?.......:D