Question for the experts

Thank you for the link Kelluvpearls ... we've all fallen for those blue tourmalines :)
You're welcome! Neck shots but the colour looks different from real life will is more green teal.
2015-10-27 19.43.58.jpg
Oh, man gorgeous smile and neck. Serious ENVY coming off me.
Looks lovely!!! Curious on the sizes you used as well. And it is the same necklace, right? One of the hardest things I find to shoot beautiful pearls is that they pick up surrounding colors so they look different in pictures. If your pictures show the same pearls, then that looks like it is happening a little.
Hi they are the same pearls, the photo colours are a bit off. The pearls are from the 10mm batch, according to Jacques' listing his pearls are at least 10mm, so could be between 10 to 11 etc, unlike other vendors when it says 10mm they could be 9 to 10. Correct me if I'm wrong Jacques.
I'm pretty positive you're right on the sizing Kelluvpearls. I have been wanting to order some of those A grade drops. I am trying to be good. lol
This is a better photo showing the colours of the pearls and tourmaline. Cherry, blue mix and light mix.20151101_174256.jpg
I LOVE all three! I am seriously enjoying the light mix pearls...and those blue tourmalines are great. I'm actually trying to find the perfect rondelle for the light mix...I keep wanting to go to aquamarine, but I do love those blue tourmalines you have!
JP I also considered Aqua, green amethyst etc, I also considered mint garnet but I think they need a higher blue in green mix rondelles. Another direction I was thinking maybe something greyish - labradorite, rough grey diamonds, smoky Quartz, pyrite, something silvery.
Here's my light mix next to the apatite rondelles.
Have you ever looked at Zever Gems ? He's in Australia - just in case you want to compare AUD and USA prices ...since our dollar sux.. lol
I've bought from him .. he does head home to India for Xmas time and shuts for a month...and I wouldn't suggest ordering two weeks before he leaves..the only jewellery package I've ever had that never showed up was from xmas..uninsured .. I left him a note on his FB page and he phoned me from INDIA to apologise. He offered me a deal on my next purchase . So he's pretty good about service. I've also returned to him with no issues. Worth a thought.

( I usually insure on things over 100 as I don't actually trust the post office I was busy and just hit the button and forgot to change the postage selection...never made that mistake again )
The labradorite is so FLASHY! with pinks, blues, greens, purples and teals. They are a clear medium grey and that last shot captures some of their sparkle. The aquas are crystal clear, blue-green, and should work very well with my light mix pearls. The labs are for my Mangareva drops.