PP Oct GSSP sale

Luvglitz, that strand looks stunning on you! The deep golden color, luster, size and shape of those pearls is just spectacular! I know you will enjoy wearing those.
OMG, those are gorgeous!!! I am SOOOOOO tempted but I overdid it on the White Tahitians!!!! Maybe next time!

In the meanwhile I can just keep looking at the photos of yours!!!
And just because I need to remind myself why I do not need any more GSSP right now:

24k 10-12 mm oval GSSP strand from the Pearl Paradise sale last year

24k 10-12 mm oval GSSP strand from the Pearl Paradise

22k drop earrings from PP blog post earlier this year

A pair of perfect golden drops from Pearl ParadiseMy Pearl Paradise golden strand with drop pairMy Pearl Paradise golden strand with drop pair earrings worn

Mixed gold & white strand (also from PP 2015 sale) with 24k strand

Mixed gold & white strand (also from PP 2015 sale) with 24k strandMixed gold & white strand with 24k strand

GSSP, Tahitian and black spinel necklace from PP

Gold south sea, Tahitian and black spinel necklace from Pearl Paradise

Tara & Sons GSSP and diamond ring (a recent eBay find)

Tara & Sons Gold south sea and diamond ring
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments.
KaySD, I love your pearls. Now you have me salivating to have enough GSS pearls to make a rope. Guess I better stop buying and instead save for next year's sale. Boy, I just got a strand of pearls, and I'm already planning for the next. This addiction is going to ruin me.
Ok, KaySD's photos did me in!! I'm saving up for next year starting RIGHT NOW!!! And then just hope they have another sale!!!!
Luvglitz they are beautiful!!!! Absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing.

Kay oh man. I love the ropes and your drops.
Oh Kay, you inspired me to start saving for a wssp to wear with my gssp. Your pearl babies are fabulicious.
Golden perfection KaySD! Congratulations to our other new golden girls; your new pearls all look fabulous. I have to sadly sit this one out ... maybe next year, sigh ... :) Not like I have no other pearls LOL ... but still I long for some goldens ...
Kay, those are beautiful!

GSS are such great pearls to wear-- if you can find the color that suits your own coloration, you always feel good in them.
Thank you for the lovely compliments.

Pearl Dreams, you are right about finding the shade of gold that suits your complexion. I always thought GSS looked terrible on me, until I tried the really deep gold. Now, I love wearing these pearls -- they do make me feel good.
Congrats Luvglitz and KaySD! Lovely golden pearls.

I always hear people say golden pearls doesn't suit their tone. Even in Europe, it is one of the reasons I think why golden pearls are not popular.

However, those I know that have tried deep goldens have positive feedbacks. Mainly because a lot "golden" pearls in the market are yellow and the true goldens are not easy to come by.
Hi, Everyone. I'm new to the forum - just joined a few days ago. Been a pearl enthusiast and PP customer for several years. Saw this thread and had to post. I was at PP last week, picking out bracelets as gifts for two friends when the email announcing the GSSPs sale came in. "Wait! Wait! You have GSS strands TODAY!? Like HERE and NOW?!!!" Erin brought out the box with the GSS strands. I was a like a kid in a candy shop! Sooooooo many GSSPs in one place! I started looking at the Baroque strands, but then the round strands got my attention. (How could they not!). I just HAD to look. Wouldn't you know, I picked out a 24k round strand.... a little too expensive for my budget, but hey, we can dream! After much deliberation, I chose this 9.0-12.9mm AA+/AAA 24k oval strand and picked it up today. Soooo excited to share with folks who can appreciate! (I hope the picture uploads; This is my first time attempting it. If it does not work, please feel free to send me instructions. )

I chose this 9.0-12.9mm AA+/AAA 24k oval strand from Pearl Paradise