Pearls & Mini Origamis! Stars cranes & flowers!!!

Wow, how creative! I like to do origami as well, but have never seen small ones like this - amazing!
Thank you so much ladies for the compliments and support, made me really happy! :o

BWeaves - I had to start using a precision pointed tweezer and got extra lighting. Attempted magnifying glasses but didn't quite like the one I got so have to try out more options!

Amti - sharp eyes from a fellow origami enthusiast! I did use washi papers, they were the first ones I made actually. Interestingly, while the Post-It paper colors really popped with resin, the washi paper got a bit washed out instead... I'll post pics with pieces overlayed on top of the original paper like I did for the post-it notes sometimes this weekend.

The resin make the pieces surprisingly sturdy, but they are by no means bang around pieces. My boyfriend was super freaked out wearing them, and I had to keep on reassuring him that they are just paper and if you smash one I make more! ;) I actually smashed a little star as a demo and he totally freaked lol. :eek:

The crane and flower can definitely snag, but it really doesn't matter to me I still love them just as much.

Lady_D and BabyNurse, you ladies are too sweet. I never felt like I could reach enough scale and consistency to have an Etsy store, but you're right, why not, perhaps I'll give it a try. :rolleyes:
BTW a little background story on the Star & Crane - in Asia, these origamis are often associated with good wishes. It is popular to make 1000 of them and make a wish, and with each star and/or crane you make, you infuse it with a prayer or good wish. I thought the theme is lovely. And people make those a lot for temple offerings. I attempted a waaaay scaled down version and phew omg I didn't want to make 1000!

Here is a temple pic that I loved:

And I was inspired to make this mini bundle which included cranes of 2 different sizes.


Here is a pic of Purranha with the washi papers!

And some random other origami stuff I made with washi papers.
Also wanted to say a big thank you to my lovely PG crafting partners Sheri and Lema (Battah)! I've never worked with resin before this project and was a bit clueless, but when Sheri made me those incredible cidaca wing earrings coated in resin, it gave me the inspiration.

And when I wanted to find out how to coat origami with resin, Sheri was traveling so I pinged Lema who sent me links on what to buy, how to get started. She also thought I was thinking about encasing origami in resin in a mold rather than coating them, which launched the entire line of the dome cabs with stars and cranes in them!

Thank you ladies! Love my PG community! :o
I'm amazed with how delicate these are!!! Purranha, you are so talented & I agree with others that you should open an Etsy store! Your designs are definitely unique & quite beautiful!!
Wow, I am amazed you can fold the designs so small. Your pieces are so colorful and fun. My origami loving daughters would be obsessed with your rings!
Woah! That's just exquisite! I cant believe you were able to make something so tiny. I totally agree with others - the world needs to be able to buy these. I would never have thought to incorporate origami with jewelry like that!
Thank you all so so much for all the encouragement! I shall have some available for adoption. ;)
And as mentioned earlier, here are some comparison of the original washi papers and after they get coated with resin.
I think the more saturated colors hold better, but the white portion becomes more translucent, so washi's with white designs tend to feel more washed out (haha washi paper washed out I'm being a dork!)

Purr what fun, beautiful creations. You have a unique talent. Please bring some next week to the ruckus.
Hello fellow ruckusers,

I will be coming to Ruckus this year. Love to get in touch with all of you. I can use Whatsapp, but I don't know how to access any of you there. I'll be getting to LAX about 11:30 on Friday, but I think everyone is already linked up. I am resourceful and will find my way to the Hilton. I would give you my cell for messages if there is a secure way to do that. I am anxious to see those of you I know and to meet those of you that are my PG friends.
Hey what's this about white linen pants?? I guess I should bring them anyway. Ha!
See you soon,
Hello fellow ruckusers,

I will be coming to Ruckus this year. Love to get in touch with all of you. I can use Whatsapp, but I don't know how to access any of you there. I'll be getting to LAX about 11:30 on Friday, but I think everyone is already linked up. I am resourceful and will find my way to the Hilton. I would give you my cell for messages if there is a secure way to do that. I am anxious to see those of you I know and to meet those of you that are my PG friends.
Hey what's this about white linen pants?? I guess I should bring them anyway. Ha!
See you soon,

Hi Judi! Amti is sharing a google spread sheet with everybody's contact, arrival date, airlines, etc. You might wanna send her a message for that
My spreadsheet started out with just the AM arrivals but I've been adding people as they PM me, so I have a few others on the sheet. Berna (BWeaves) is coordinating the noon arrivals, so be sure to reach out to her. I'll send you a PM Judi!