Pearl rings - What's hot, what's not?


That is a gorgeous ring! Looks like champagne diamonds also! You have such great taste!

so many pearls, so little time
I really like the combination of Tahitian pearls with colored diamonds- very striking! That is a gorgeous ring, GemGeek; with the way that it is mounted, it can easily be worn on a day to day basis... great design!

I've been tossing around the idea of something similar- like this black and white diamond band, using a nice luscious Golden South Sea pearl- (maybe 11mm?) as it's centerpiece...Do you all think that might be too large? The band itself is around 3.5-4mm wide. Also, since I am no goldsmith :rolleyes: all I would be doing is just removing a couple of diamonds from the center and inserting a mounting post in their place, it wouldn't have the same amount of protection that Blaire's ring gets which could be a concern for ring enthusiasts... Thoughts anybody?


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Not a GSS, but WSS or Tahitian in any hue from grey to peacock to black (but not brownish).

11mm might be too big. Just try and see.
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Since I don't think you need to worry about the effect of bumping or banging the pearl itself, sercurity is in how strong the bond of the pearl to its post and how resistant to being knocked off its post.

I really like the ring's design and can imagine it in various color combinations, but the black and white is the most sophisticated.

Keep us informed.
I definitely will! It's been knocking around in my head for awhile now, I guess I just haven't gotten the courage to Just Do It! ;)

I really like the idea of using a dark black Tahitian or the White South Seas pearls- that would be so elegant and Mod! :p

On solitaire styles like these, I prefer to make a couple of notches in the gold mounting post before securing the pearl to the ring with a good epoxy... I think (believe? Hope!!) that the additional grooves in the metal give the pearl and the adhesive something more to cling to. I've been wearing the ring pictured below for about a year and haven't had any problems (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood as we speak!)


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The diamond may be too thick for people with small hands, but still is very pretty. Your ring is really nice too, simple, and elegant. Are there any scratches at all? Those Tahitians are tough, eh? I occasionally wear mine and had scraped it against the door frame many times while locking the door, but it's still perfect.
Hi Cathy,

None at all so far, and I am, I admit: A klutz of the first order! ;) It seems to be able to handle everything that I've thrown at it so far, and beautifully! I've had a couple moments of the "Oh NO!" variety, but the pearl stays perfectly fine.

Not a GSS, but WSS or Tahitian in any hue from grey to peacock to black (but not brownish).

11mm might be too big. Just try and see.

I second that. But not white gold. (Did I really say that?) Yellow, and no white diamonds. All black. You have to see it. You can't envision how beautiful it is.
Knotty, with yellow gold and black diamonds I would prefer to add GSS. The colors wouldn't clash. IMO
I would rather have two main colors than three.

Ashley, the gold solitaire is just perfect !
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I've been at gem & jewelry lectures last night and tonight, so not much posting on my part. Tonight near the end of the colored diamond lecture, a woman collapsed and they had to call the paramedics. Scary for all of us.

I like all the responses to Ashley's idea, even the yellow gold with black. We certainly are good at brainstorming! I wore my ring tonight with a bangle bracelet of brown, black & white diamonds in honor of the colored diamonds lecture.

I am reminded of the character in Gentleman Prefer Blondes who said "I just love finding new places to wear diamonds!" when she discovered the tiara was to be worn on the head. :rolleyes:
Gemgeek, I love your ring, WOW...and it looks so well protected in its setting...that must get some comments!
Ashley, your solitaire is beautiful and its very nice to hear that they stand up to not so gentle wear!! (which is what I give rings!)
Also interested in seeing what you come up with for the diamond band!.. almost any pearl would look great with it. I could argue for silver SS, white SS, golden SS or tahitian in it.
Ashley-what size is the tahitian in your ring? looks nicely balanced in the setting.
Hi Blaire,
I actually missed your post & pic from the previous page. Gorgeous ring. I LOVE the design, the diamond and of course the pearl. You do have great taste! And Octavia inherited that too. :)
Hi Robin-

My Tahitian is a tad under 10.5mm, and the band is 2.25mm wide. The skinny solitaires look funny in a photo, but once you put it on the seem to work out pretty well!

Now I have a little fire under me, I will try to get the black and white ring put together and see what happens! I am also interested in the yellow gold/black diamond mix, but I agree with Nora that a ring like that should stick with two colors to find it's ... rhythm (?) ...
Knotty, with yellow gold and black diamonds I would prefer to add GSS. The colors wouldn't clash. IMO
I would rather have two main colors than three.

Ashley, the gold solitaire is just perfect !

I was just thinking Tahitians, not SS. Sorry I didn't make myself clear.
Oooh- Black on Black with a hint of yellow (you'd have to do it in 22K) gold... I LOVE it!
Pearl ring!

Pearl ring!

I know it has been a LONG time since I have posted, I have been very busy getting married and honeymooning ;-). I just want to post a pic of my beautiful freshwater pearl ring (pearl from pearlparadise) with a custom made setting. Unfortunately in the pic the gold is a little dirty but you get the idea ;-)


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Your ring is truly breathtaking. What a nice memory for you both. Congratulations.
OH, just love the bypass design, and that is a magnificent pearl! How you must enjoy wearing it! Thx for details, too!

so many pearls, so little time