One Tahitian into a necklace


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2020
Hey guys,

We are having a multi-day winter storm here, the sky has been gray for days. Somehow this makes me want to post a colorful pearl I received in the weekend and the necklace I made out of it last night.

Here is a pearl from druzy:
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I cut two old CFW necklaces on which the pearls came from one strand to make the new one. I recycled a clasp 'cause my findings are all locked up. But this time I used colored thread instead of white.
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Ta-daaaah! First time doing this, not bad, huh? Took me 1.5 hours.
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Retake photo in natural indoor daylight.
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Thank you for looking! :)
StarryPearl, what an amazing, beautiful necklace you've made! That is a really lovely Tahitian pearl, and you have a one of a kind, unique piece all your own :)
Thank you, 86Corvettegirl! It should look better on light background but anyways...
A single Tahitian pearl in the center of a white pearl strand
StarryPearl, what an amazing, beautiful necklace you've made! That is a really lovely Tahitian pearl, and you have a one of a kind, unique piece all your own :)

Thank you, Cathy! I like how it turned out, too. :) The pearl is pretty indeed, I love the color and I like its size. The original plan was to make it float and glide on a chain necklace, but the package of my findings was delayed, so I made it into this style last night. The findings arrived today!
What a great way to feature your amazing rainbow Tahitian, StarryPearl! The softly colored thread is a great touch, too, excellent knotting!

Thank you, Pattye! I like that you call it "rainbow" Tahitian, 'cause I call it that, too! I feel honored that my first time knotting is approved by YOU.:cool: Thank you for making my knotting easy and fun! You might have noticed the old necklace was stretched because that one I used silk. Before restringing, I thought I would get a 22 inches necklace. I was surprised it ended up even shorter than the old necklace though it has 6 more pearls.
Your new necklace is lovely, StarryPearl. Great job with the knotting!
You have done a beautiful knotting job on this strand and that tahitian is gorgeous. I have ended up with shorter strands than I would have thought whilst restringing as well, not so much now that I use Pattyes serafil tread. Somehow my knots don't add that much to the lenght that I would have thought.
What a lovely necklace, such a beautiful Tahitian pearl ( I LOVE the rainbows!) and the freshies are really nice as well! And your knotting looks perfect, the sky blue thread is fantastic in there!
Druzy has had some amazing pearls as of late, I really love it!

She sure has! And StarryPearl has a beautiful new, hand-made necklace...Life is Good :)
Thank you all for looking and for all the kind words. And thanks to Ehret who makes such beautiful pearls accessible to all of us.

I haven't cut the thread yet, because my findings and tools are all packed and locked up, like I mentioned. So here comes my question: Can G-S Hypo Cement survive 0°F? I just remember it's in that box and outdoors, and it was really cold here for a few days. I guess I won't fetch it until early summer at the earliest. Will it still be good? The tube was quite full last time I saw it.

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Me, too. I have a floating Akoya necklace like the bar necklace in the second photo, as well.

The rainbow Tahitian is beautiful, and I like the necklace. I've never purchased from Ehret but often look through their listings.
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StarryPearl I have a rainbow sister to your pearl from Druzy! I am another happy customer of theirs ( BTW they have a shop at Ebay and Etsy as well, I didnt know about the Etsy one until recently). Anyways, the pearl took a while to get to me and I was initially thinking of having it as a floating necklace but looking at your beautiful pairing with smaller pearls I have decided to put the rainbow on my tahitian keshi necklace and I love the result! I will take a picture tomorrow, thank you for the inspiration!
Very pretty necklace Starry Pearl and such a fun piece to wear all year round!!