Newbie - first purchase questions


New Member
Mar 21, 2013
Hi all - I've been really enjoying browsing this forum since I came across it a few days ago!

About me: I'm suddenly struck by pearl-itis, aaargh!!! I currently have a very, VERY cheap necklace and studs set, it's chalky, boring, and so very tiny (about 4-5mm). Bought it more years ago than I care to remember, the clasp broke the first time I tried to wear them, and until now I've not given pearls another thought.

I'm firmly in my 30s (36), 5'4", small-ish build (wider than I used to be before kids), and around 56kg.

I'm after a strand of something decent. I'm set on Freshadama, but I need to decide size and length. I really want this to be an investment piece, something I can wear and enjoy now, ten years from now, and keep wearing in much older age.

I *think* I want an 18" strand of 8.5-9mm..... but would appreciate done guidance. Will these look too large at my current age/weight? If I opt for 7.5-8mm (OMG so much cheaper) will I look silly wearing them when I'm sixty?

So difficult.....

Not to mention how to settle on overtones, I can't decide on studs or drop earrings, and part of me wants a bracelet too, aargh!!

Can anyone help me? I'm obsessed!!
You can wear whatever you want - there are no rules.
For guidance, think about a go-to necklace you already have - what size and length is that - there is your clue (same with the earrings)
Thank you Wendy.

I prefer 16" necklaces, however the roundness of the pearls will make it sit shorter so I think I'll opt for 18".

I am so split on pearl size. I don't want to look like they are oversized, but at the same time I don't want to look like I'm wearing something childish as I age. I didn't think this would be so tricky!
Because you are purchasing such high quality, either size will be elegant and beautiful! The larger size will not be too large. The sets offered that include the bracelet are a nice value, too.

With the smaller size (and the large size, too), although it certainly is not small, enhancers in pearl or gemstone are an option if you get bored with the look.

Somehow I feel there will be more pearls in your future after this first purchase!
It is all so individual and subjective, but this would be my preference, since you wanted opinions: I believe "standard" pearl size is 7.0-7.5 mm, so I can't imagine you'd ever feel like the 7.5-8.0 were embarrassingly small. That said, I'd forgo the bracelet and dangly earrings (since the danglies usually cost more than studs), and get the 8.5-9.0 mm strand because I also can't imagine ever regretting that you have larger, showier pearls. That is not a huge size but it's definitely nice and noticeable. Also, I'd get stud earrings a millimeter larger because I like that look better, where the earrings stand out rather than just looking the same as all the other pearls in the strand. I'd ask for the silver and rose overtones if I wasn't sure, because they seem very popular. Please show us what you get!
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How about trying out necklaces with different pearl sizes from high street jewellers to see what suits and does not suit, before making an online purchase?

That's what I would do.

DK ;)
All good advice there Blossy. Follow your heart - there is no right and wrong size there. Both sizes that you mentioned would look good now and in the future too. But I would get the bigger of the 2 sizes if I could. Welcome to P-G! Show us what you decide on and eventually get. :)
Oh yes Blossy. Welcome and can hardly wait to see your new treasures on your neck!
I'm with Urchin; I'd get the larger pearls. They won't be huge, but they'll be awesome. :-)
Welcome to Pearl-Guide. This is a great place to learn, and get even more addicted .... and maybe in debt.
Somehow I feel there will be more pearls in your future after this first purchase!

Now what makes you say that, Pattye? The word "obsessed"? :D

Blossy, I second the larger size too. The most common mistake for your first purchase (or purchases, some take longer to learn) is the 'I really don't need more than this" and "this is much cheaper and good enough." What happens is that we aren't entirely happy because deep inside we wanted the more expensive option and then we end up buying that too, spending much more money in the process.

- Karin
I'm in my 50s and just over 5' 4"-- and not as slender as when I got married. :rolleyes:

My first strand (Freshadamas silver-rose) bought in 2007 were 7-8mm (as they were then being sold; now it's a larger range, 7.5-8mm) but I really wanted 8-9mm. The price difference made the 8-9mm out of my price range at the time.

Although the 7-8mm look fine, as I age I think they suit my daughter better, size-wise. I finally bought a different 8-8.5 mm strand (the white metallic freshwaters) this past fall and feel that this size definitely looks better on me.

So-- I vote for the larger strand if you can swing it.

You can see my silver-rose 7-8mm Freshadamas here (the clasp I had on it at the time made these 18.5 inches long):

...and here are the 8-9mm dangle earrings:

I agree that the earrings should be at least the same size or a size bigger than the strand. The same size pearl will have a bigger look in a stud than if worn as a dangle, and the dangle also costs more (the gold finding) so to economize and have a classic look, I would get studs 8.5-9mm or larger.
Thank you all so much for such helpful replies!

I think I will have to go and try on some strands in different sizes. I'm really unsure. I wish the Freshadama strand I'm after came in 8-8.5mm, I think that's probably the sweet spot for me - just perfect size.

I don't want to make the mistake of buying the smaller pearls just to save on costs, but I will admit its tempting as the jump between the 7.5-8 and the 8.5-9 is huge... I'm also unsure if I'll feel too "matronly" in them and end up not wearing them, if you know what I mean.
By all means try out different size strands!

But if you still prefer 8-8.5mm, I think you should call Pearl Paradise and ask if you can have a stand made up in that size. (Realize however that custom orders are not returnable.)
You'll only feel matronly if everything you are wearing is matronly..(avoid crimpoline and shell suits perhaps?) and you get a blue rinse in your hair..?
Try other styles of necklaces, like a tin cup, while you are at it.

I find tin cups more fun and informal to wear, whereas a strand would be more formal.

I made myself a number of tin cups using different types of pearls and colours.

I do not wear any necklace to work nowadays, as the work uniform is a navy polo shirt, and I don't like to wear anything around my neck with that type of collar.

Time to change job perhaps, so that I can wear my smart work wardrobe and pearls again!

DK :)
Not to confuse you even further, lol, but if price and a "matronly" look are concerns, perhaps you'd also want to consider the larger pearls in AAA grade instead of freshadama. And/or a less classic color, such as pink or lavender.
Wendy gives some good advice regarding what to wear with the pearls. I also felt a bit nervous wearing my strand .... I wanted to wear it (a baroque tahitian strand) with casual clothes like jeans .... and sometimes I just force myself to wear it, and go out the door. Like the Nike commercial says: "Just do it!" Then, after a few times, it becomes more normal, and next thing you know, you are putting it on more frequently ... and then voila, you are enjoying your strand on a regular basis. That is how it should be. Pearls are too lovely to hide away in the dark. Have fun picking your strand. :-)
Was reading a thread on Queen Elizabeth pearls that have been passed down and given to her on her wedding day. If you enter her name on the search field the string will come up. Anyways they are large natural akoyas I believe. There are several pictures of her as a young woman to recent ones at her Jubilee celebration.

I thought this may help you, Blossy, to see what larger pearls look like on a young person and a matured person.
Found the QE2 thread under Natural Pearls...thread name Pearls from my Father's Estate. Forum members posted some great photos.
Wendy gives some good advice regarding what to wear with the pearls. I also felt a bit nervous wearing my strand .... I wanted to wear it (a baroque tahitian strand) with casual clothes like jeans .... and sometimes I just force myself to wear it, and go out the door. Like the Nike commercial says: "Just do it!" Then, after a few times, it becomes more normal, and next thing you know, you are putting it on more frequently ... and then voila, you are enjoying your strand on a regular basis. That is how it should be. Pearls are too lovely to hide away in the dark. Have fun picking your strand. :-)

Linda, such great insight!