Newbie - first purchase questions

Hi Blossy and welcome to this wonderful forum. Here is my experience. 1982 my sweet husband bought me a strand of 9mm akoyas. I loved those pearls and wore them almost every day for 15 years. Shorts in the summer as well as black tie affairs it did not matter where I was I had on those pearls. I look back at pictures taken then and can see beautiful large shiny pearls. I am now in my 60's and can pull out that same strand (a little worse for all the wear) put it on and still be happy with it. I have many, many strands of Tahitian pearls now and do like the larger mm's but that first strand has a soft spot in my heart. I can still wear it without feeling it is to small in size. So I recommend buying the larger in the 9mm range which you might feel on the larger size now but latter in life you will be still real happy with. Maybe you might consider the white metallic?
I keep googling pictures and I think I'll see what a quote for an 8-8.5mm looks like.

I'm also going to see if I can find a local store to try some on, but not sure there's anywhere near me.

Really keen on silver overtone, metallic Freshadama if they exist.

Now, if only the saving would be faster!
I keep googling pictures and I think I'll see what a quote for an 8-8.5mm looks like....

Here is what my 8-8.5mm white metallic CFWP look like, if it helps you to picture the size on your neck. These are still available at PP:

They are all-nacre-- no bead inside-- so are slightly off-round, but that is only noticeable close-up, and their luster is amazing. This photo was taken outdoors on an overcast day, which really brings out their luster and orient.


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They are simply gorgeous!

I will have to try some on. I'm not at all used to pearls, so I'm thinking of buying one size up from whichever strand I'm most comfortable with (as long as I don't hate it!). I know I'll get used to them quickly so I don't want to regret my choice when I realise they are too small after all.

Lots of saving first though.

What do you all think about clasps? My wedding rings are yellow gold but I like to wear lots of greys, charcoals etc - in my mind I'm wondering if a white gold clasp would "blend" more and be more wearable with more things?

Having said that I plan on getting dangles too (eventually - or do I get them in place of studs??) and I think they might look better in yellow gold?

Lordy, and I thought buying a simple white strand and earrings would be easy!
It's an inflationary effect---pearls seem to shrink with time. ;) Buy larger if you can, even if you have to save up.

As to the color of the metal findings, this may vary with the piece. Get the color metal that goes best with the pearls. Don't even worry about matching your rings with your necklaces and earrings.

I love yellow gold, and usually request that for my pearls, but some pearls just look better with a white metal. My silver-blue baroque akoya pearls look great with silver findings. But my freshwater pearls that have a natural, warm color look best with yellow gold.
For the above white metallic FWP, I requested white gold clasp (same for the matching earrings) because they are a cool shade of white, with green/blue undertones. Yellow gold didn't seem like the right color somehow.

Studs vs. dangles... both are nice. :) Look at your jewelry box-- do you wear more studs or dangles? Do you want more of the same style, or do you want to change things up a bit?
I am wanting the pearls to be silver overtone as I think that would look best on my skin, and to me that would suggest white gold....

I really like the dangles, but I tend to think I'll regret it if I don't have simple studs too. I'm thinking its best to just take my time and save for the lot, so when I buy they can all be matched.
PP also has discounts around Mother's Day and other holidays. Get on their email list.
Ok, I've emailed a request for a quote to PP.... Complete set including strand, bracelet, studs and dangles, 8-8.5mm white Freshadama with silver overtones and yellow gold findings.

I can't afford them yet, but I'm so excited to hopefully get a quote soon - then I will better be able to figure out when I'm likely to be able to afford them.

I went to a local jeweller to try on pearls today, and while the 8-8.5mm was my preferred size, to be honest the 7.5-8mm was pretty darn close, and if I wasn't looking at them side by side (or switching between them), it would be tough to know they weren't the same size if worn in isolation.

Which I was pleasantly surprised by - if the quote for the 8-8.5mm set comes back higher than I can afford, I'll get these instead. As someone else said, they are still a nice size, and to be honest, still bigger than I see many women wear, both my age and far beyond. So not embarrassingly small as I'd feared.

Now - is the best look to have earrings the same size or a size larger? This seems tricky, I've heard both, and one sales assistant today told me a size smaller is preferable!
What do you feel looks best on you? Do you usually wear a very small earring? I personally prefer and generally recommend earrings a size or so larger. Although if wearing something like diamond studs, the difference in sparkle makes up for smaller size, imho. You can get studs first and dangles later, too.

Glad to hear you actually tried the pearls on. Those sizes will look luxe and appropriate at any age.
I like most types if earrings. At the moment my favourites are 8mm silver ball studs, but I can't decide if the same size in pearls will look the same, bigger or smaller due to the colour.

Also do the same size pearls look smaller as a dangle?

Yep, I think I I'll be happy with 7.5-8mm ... it will probably be Christmas before I can afford them anyway (want the set) but any larger seems to jump that "almost double the price" gap and I just can't see at this point that its worth it for an extra 0.5mm.
Well I have read somewhere that the PP Mothers Day sale might be 20% off store wide so I'm reconsidering this.... the 8.5-9mm *might* be back up for consideration, forgoing the dangles and bracelet.

Hello Blossy! I say go for the larger mm and gradually purchase the other pieces. I am your age and height and very thin, and do prefer larger mm strands. Statement necklaces are always in style IMO ;D I am sure if you have the glamour shots from PP of your necklace and write down your overtones they would be able to match earrings and a bracelet for you later. I have one friend who usually buys her necklaces and earrings separately from PP (as she saves up for them) and her collection is absolutely lovely and well-matched. I will actually be doing the same myself for their Mother's Day sale and starting off a set with just the necklace I want :) Then I will get a pair of studs and after that a pair of dangles. I prefer my earrings on the larger size and will ask my customer service associate from PP for her opinion on which looks better, the yellow or white gold, with the strand she helped me select and will go with her choice. Have fun shopping!
Can you please explain the process to me? I figured once I decided what to buy that I'd just select online at that would be that - but many on this site speak of glamour shots of strands, getting help selecting a specific strand....

What is the usual process?
Do you really think 8.5-9mm is "statement"?? I was hoping to look polished, with large enough pearls to not look silly, but will also serve me well over time. Maybe I should think about the 7.5-8mm again, I prefer not to be wearing sonething OTT!

BTW LitGeek, which necklace ate you shopping for?
I don't think 8.5-9mm pearls are "statement"-- not in freshwater pearls, anyway. (High quality akoyas in that size make a statement because they are so expensive.)

I've never requested a glamour shot but I suppose when you are ready to order, you could ask that a photo be taken that will help them match earrings to the strand at a later date.
If you want dangles, aim a little larger than your strand. Personally I think dangles look relatively smaller than studs of the same size.