My pearls

Some better photos of my new golden south sea ripple rope from Pearlescence . Amazing flashes of pink, blue and green in them.
The shapes are so interesting, I found something new every time I look at it.
I finally made something with those white baby ripples from Pearlescence I bought a while ago. I call this one my iridescence rope. I also added some 8-9 mm white south sea pearls from Pearlescence, very small off round ivory freshwaters from Pearlunar and some off round peachy pink metallic freshwaters, also from Pearlunar(there has been no activity on the Pearllunar page on ebay or etsy since August last year). The rope is 30 inches long.
Such pretty colors.
Some other colorful ropes that I recently remade, well the blue and green one I remade last summer. From right, iridescence rope, sunset rope, blue and green rope, greenish golden akoya wavestrand and the green and white rope.
I have been rather productive lately
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Not all off my creations turn out that well. I made a strand with some of those giant ripples, some rose lavender freshwaters and some peachy pink metallic freshwaters. It ought to be pretty one might think, but the combination makes me nauseous.
It's to much. I also made this strand with a purple edison and some bluish akoyas, I like this one but I wonder if those bluish pearls could calm the ripples down a bit.
That purple edison pearls is rather gorgeous I think. I have asked Wendy to see if she can find me a purple edison strand in Hongkong, the purple pearls in my rainbow strand are gorgeous as well.
The circled light golden south sea pearls are really pretty with the right light.
The golden south seas strands.
Maybe you remember those two greenish golden south sea strands I bought from Kongspearl about a year ago, the ones that was suppose to be champagne but wasn't. I have finally run out of them. I have had lots of use for those pearls.
The more cooltoned of the pearls are in the blue and green rope, it's 41 inches long and are made with silver blue akoyas from Pearlescence and the greenish south sea pearls.
I have a few of the darker pearls in a strand with some baroque grey tahitians from Cees
I added 4 of the pearls to a vintage graduated akoyastrand, I kept the graduation of the strand.
I added some of the south sea pearls to my sunset rope, and rather many of them in a new wavestrand made with graduated vintage akoyas, a double strand, the south sea pearls are between the smallest akoyas and the biggest.
I have some of the pearls in my sampler strands. At first I used the circled light golden south sea pearls in the shorter sampler strand , but since I removed those (for restoring the circled baroque light golden south sea strand to it's former glory) I added the greenish south sea pearls instead. As usual I get an idea and then I suddenly finds myself rearranging 10 strands or so. My latest rearrangment took me about 3 weeks to finish (most of them that is. I still have some leftover pearls cluttering the kitchen...).
Since I had cut up all those pearls I had those rather dark tahitians I bought from Wen Pearls last summer in a pile. I knotted those as well. I still think that they are a bit dark, but the luster is lovely and if you happens to be somewhere with good pearllight there is lots of colors in them.
Rather pretty accually.
But so much darker than my rikiteas from Cees.
With my new golden south sea ripples from Pearlescence. They might look god worn together. I have to try that some day.
The newly remade golden south sea and vintage akoya wavestrand looks great with most pearls. When I first took apart the double akoya strand last summer when I combined the akoyas randomly with circled golden south sea pearls, I did throw some of the pearls away. Previously when I reknotted the strand I kept the damaged pearls. It must have been a well loved strand, there were a lot of damage to the pearls near the clasp and even some of the bigger pearls on one of the sides. Probably perfume or hairspray or both. Most of the pearls have stunning luster. I have been thinking about that strand often, part because it was one of my first strands but also because of the fact that someone clearly had loved those pearls and then some familymember probably sold them after that pearon died. I treasure the jewelry that use to belong to my grandmother. Anyway the newly remade wavestrand with my deep golden south sea strand and the rainbow strand.
Just the golden south seas and the rainbow strand.
Such amazing colors. So many pretty shades of purple.
My very first pearls ever were a pair of pretty akoyas that my first boyfriends mother gave me when I was 17. That women hated me, noone was good enough for her son so I don't know why she gave me those earrings. Well it lasted all of 6 months, but I didn't gave her the earrings back. I still have them somewhere. I will se if I have a photo of them somewhere in my phone.
I didn't find a photo, but I found the earrings in a box with my vintage clasps. Some not that good photos of the earrings and the pretty clasps.
The earrings are 7,5mm and are rather heavy with lots of 18k gold. Before the goldprices went overboard.
You can't see it in these photos but the pearls are very iridescent.
Someday I do something with the clasps.
Just playing around with my new golden south sea ripple rope I recently bought from Pearlescence. Such interesting shapes and overtones. I find something new everytime. They also go well with a lot of other pearls, especially the darker ones. The champagne studs are from Tahitipearldesigner. I wore this combination yesterday. I can also wrap the rope 4 times around my arm without it falling of.
The duck pearl.
White south sea pendant from Pearlsociety.
Deep golden south sea strand from Cees.
The rainbow strand from Pearlescence.
Blue and green rope, the blue akoyas from Pearlescence and the greenish south sea pearls from Kongspearl.
Just look at the funny shapes and glorious luster.
And the ombre tahitian rope from Cees is stunning with the ripples. It's something special about the perfectly round and rather flawless tahitians together with the bumpy ripples. I might need to make the ripples endless as well.
Aubergine tahitian studs from Oceanscove.
Blue tahitian studs from Pearlescence.
Circled tahitian pendant from Druzydesign.
Blue green tahitian studs from Pearlescence.
The really dark tahitian strand from Wen Pearls, that I didn't like much when I bought it. It's growing on me.
The circled tahitian pendant from Druzydesign and the white south sea pendant from Pearlsociety I don't use as much as they deserves. Probably because I prefer silver or silver colored findings on tahitians and white south seas. Yellow gold I prefer on golden south sea pearls only, maybe some warmtoned akoyas or freshwaters as well. But the finding on that white south sea pearl is so pretty that I don't want to change it. Poor neglected pearl. But it was my first ever south sea pearl so I'm keeping it anyway.
Pretty colorcombinations. I had a lot of fun playing around with my pearls today. I might have found some new combinations to try.
The rainbow strand with matching edisons from Pearlescence looks really pretty together with this champagne south sea pendant from Pearlsociety.
The white south sea strand from Cees and my big multicolor tahitian strand from Pearlescence looks great with this white south sea pendant from Pearlsociety.
The blue tahitian strand from Pearlescence and the light golden circled south sea strand looks great together with the champagne enhancer.
The rainbow strand works well with the greenish golden south sea pearls and vintage akoya wavestrand.
Or together with the green akoya and white south sea rope.
The recently restored really dark tahitian strand from Wen Pearls I bought last summer and sort of didn't like, well I like it better now. And it looks rather pretty with other pearls.
Forest green tahitian studs from Pearlescence and golden south sea ripple rope from Pearlescence.
Or the ombre tahitian rope from Cees and blue tahitian studs from Pearlescence.
I think it looks really good with the golden ripples.


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Since I had good light this weekend I took lots of pictures. Today I woke up thinking that I would like to do some colorcoordinated photos. Lets start with white. There are so many different pieces that I don't list details about them all. If you want to know something about a piece, just ask.
Oh, playing in the pearls, mixing and matching, is so much fun! I bought a couple of the cute tassel tops with birds, but haven't had a chance to work them up yet.

You absolutely have a great eye for luster and have chosen very well, Charlotta; thank you as always for sharing!! :o
Thank you Pattye. That tassel was so fun to make and I love the result. Since I haven't got anything new to share lets continue with pink and peach.
Just ask if you want to know the details about any of my pieces. To many to list.
Thank you Gemandpearllover, it's the glorious light in the summer cabin. I love that light. It makes the phonecamera capture the colors and overtones that I see in real life.
So on to green. I don't have many just green pieces, so I include my multicolor tahitians. They have lots of green in them.