My newish tahitian keshi


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
Okey dokey. I'm hoping that my pictures made it up alright. Computers are not my strong point, so be patient if I've gaffed somehow...and for the quality of the pics! You can't see the colors very well, but they are white, cream, gray, bluish and a lovely green/pistachio one.


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Great photos!

I didn't know Tahitian keshi came in such large sizes! The necklace looks very nice on your neck.
Thank you. It is not easy to model and take photos at the same time I am finding out, as many of you likely already know. Especially when one is camera-challenged! Now I understand when others say the colors are not coming true. They really aren't at all. I had wanted a tahitian keshi for a while now, but it is always a challenge to find what you want in one's budget no? Sarah at Kojima helped me with this one. I like my necklace even more so as her true nature is very gentle...
I have all of you to thank for your concise advise during this past year. As well, the vendors that PGers suggested I try have been superb. I feel like I know you all a little now...we are friends yes? Someday you must all come for tea at my little house, but don't forget to bring your pearls and show me and my 2 little boys (who know more than an 8 and 12 year old should know about pearls lol).
Those are beautiful and you have a great neck. Some of my favorite things come from Sarah.
So does that beautiful cat of yours. I believe white pearls were the perfect choice...
Truly lovely. I like the quiet color combo and the impressive size without looking extreme.. They look very fine around (what I presume is) your neck.
Okey dokey. I'm hoping that my pictures made it up alright. Computers are not my strong point, so be patient if I've gaffed somehow...and for the quality of the pics! You can't see the colors very well, but they are white, cream, gray, bluish and a lovely green/pistachio one.

If there ever was an all-purpose pearl strand, that one comes close!Gorgeous!
Hi Kelly,

Lovely necklace! I have had great dealings with Sarah too.

Of course we are all friends! And you never know what might happen. My husband and I and our two kids from Denmark resently had dinner with four PG friends in Portland.

- Karin
Thank you for the compliments about my tahitians and my neck! I used to be self conscious as I was called giraffe neck in school, but now in my 40's I am content with the neck. Funny how contentment comes now (along with the mid-life crisis!).

If I could only have one necklace it would be those tahitians. People zero in on them all the time.

Sarah's designs are family heirlooms. There is an indescribable quality to all of her pieces, even the inexpensive ones.

I hear of these ruckus and sigh. Well maybe if I cannot go to a ruckus/rucki, PGers can come to me? (lol).
Oh, ya, that is one really great looking necklace. No wonder it gets attention.
So, maybe a road trip to Canada? I'm imagining something originating in Portland, picking up more P-Gers in the Seattle area, then the fast boat north? How many can you fit sleeping on your floor? OOPS! Lol, I see the invitation was for tea! Don't panic, just kidding. Well, it was a cute imagining for a minute.
Good to see you are getting the hang of it, Elizabeth after your first meeting with pearly strangers only a good week ago :) Just go for it!

Copenhagen any one?

- Karin
Good to see you are getting the hang of it, Elizabeth after your first meeting with pearly strangers only a good week ago Just go for it!

Copenhagen any one?

- Karin

OKAY Karin! Is there still a great polar flight from British Columbia? We could all head to Copenhagen after our train & boat trip to Canada to see Kelly's newest necklace.
Toooo funny. Let me see, quick scan around the room...I see I can sleep around 4 on the floor in the LR, and our tent is a 6 person. We also have a pup tent which sleeps 2, so that puts us at 12. Hubbie works on a private island, so I could possibly swing some more accomodation there (they have teepees - I kid you not). Now when...let's say late August or early September, although I can be ready as early as this weekend. Whoo Hooo Victoria Ruckus '11.

We could head over to that fella in Tofino (half day drive), check out his set-up and eat some oysters. Come back, and head up Island to Alert Bay and visit my sister who is a fabulous cook and really wacky. Do some whale watching and salmon smoking. Then we head into the interior of BC to the Okanagan on a fruit run. Drop by at White Rock to visit the Mother-in-Law (more tea - the Canadians I know drink lots of tea) and then back to the above island for a round of golf. We will of course wear pearls every day. Sound like a plan?
Oh no! Victoria? We were just there - almost. My family and I flew into Vancouver, BC. when we started our vacation. I missed a pearl meeting!

- Karin