Tahitian Baroques


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
I got these a week ago, but I've been slammed with work! Anyway, they're very lovely in person, but I'm not sure if I'll keep them or not.





They are beautiful!

What makes you hesitate on keeping them?
I too am curious why you hesitate on keeping them :confused:

DK :)
Lol-- props for the lined paper background. :D

They're lovely-- silver Tahitians are amazing. Update us on your deliberations!
They're lovely. Did you have your heart set on something else? Tahitian baroques each seem to have their own personality. Some just call out to you and some don't. There's one has been calling to me. I've been trying to ignore it, and let it find another home, but it keeps calling!
I hear it. "Miriam.... buuuuy meeeeeee....bbuuuuy meeeeeee!" :rolleyes:
Gosh, I love the shades of color on those! Nobody will think they are a fake strand, for sure! The shapes themselves are pleasing also, not strange tops, etc. Have you tried them on with different color sweaters and blouses? I have a strand of silvers, but when worn with color, like green, they turn almost kelly green, they are so reflective!
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The problem I have with Tahitians is that every time I fall head over heels for one necklace, I'll find a better one a week later. And it keeps happening again and again. So I sympathize with your indecision.
Am I the only one to question whether drop shapes belong in a strand? (not this one, in general)
Am I the only one to question whether drop shapes belong in a strand? (not this one, in general)

No, you are not the only one. I also have a big question mark here and definitely prefer more roundish and symmetrical shapes - but this is of course a personal preference.

Hi Callire,

Would you (or anyone here) be interested in the fireballs from the TPO special last week?


They have UNbelievable lustre and orient (seriously - they're gorgeous) but are a bit too pastel-y for me. Sending these beauties back to TPO today. I'd feel much better if I knew they were going to a loving home. :)

Am I the only one to question whether drop shapes belong in a strand? (not this one, in general)

I like them, as long as they are strand quality pearls. I think some Tahitians in general don't belong in strands. I also think they look better on than off. I've posted these before, but I think these are very strand-worthy and look great on. I am in color frustration mode these days, not with the pearls, but with the pics and the wash out effect (need a smiley face for frustrated). I dropped them to a center pearl that was more oval. Too bad they're crooked on my neck in the pic though. Or maybe it's my neck.


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I like them too.
Some drop shapes are, admittedly, not right for strands, but generally I like the elongated, sleek look of a strand of drops.....
And, of course, I'd not be able to have several strands if I stuck to round pearls.....:D
I understand the frustrated photographer in you, Sheryl, (I'm sure we all do), but they still look great!
I love drops. They can be awkward, but usually, with some tweaking, I think they make nice strands. Fortunately for us, there is no shortage of pearl variety out there! ;)
Hi Callire,

Would you (or anyone here) be interested in the fireballs from the TPO special last week?


They have UNbelievable lustre and orient (seriously - they're gorgeous) but are a bit too pastel-y for me. Sending these beauties back to TPO today. I'd feel much better if I knew they were going to a loving home. :)


Pm'd :D Pretty!! I love fireballs
Well, I guess I'll add my voice to the chorus who like drop shapes. You can be artistic with drop shapes, and the strand is unique. Okay, not all drop shapes will look good in a necklace, but some are beautiful and have real character! Like yours, Sheryl. I love them!