My first project- the "Sea Witch rope!"


Dec 13, 2019
So, I've just finished up my very first stringing project, and I'm pleased as punch with the result! Being so very in love with my 100" freshwater rope, I thought I'd try my hand at pearl knotting and get myself another crazy long piece of jewelry into the bargain. It's neither the best work nor the highest quality raw materials, but it was certainly fun to make, and I don't know anyone other than you fine folks who would be able to appreciate how much work went into it, so I thought I'd share, and maybe even get some feedback 😁
Just plain ol white silk, with a jumble of different freshwater pearls- little black rounds, larger black potatoes, circled grays and circled white drops. Ended up just over 80", which is a bit shorter than I intended, but I'm still pretty dang proud that I made it myself- with a little help from some mussels and silkworms, of course.





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Oh wow, thank you! There's room for improvement, and more to learn, but I think I did ok for a first try! In hindsight, a super long endless rope was probably a bit ambitious, but here we are haha ��
Wowza! It looks great. I love a long rope, and you have a nice mix if size and texture and color.

If you want easier knotting, give up on silk and buy Beader's Secret. It's so much easier and better than silk. Our own Pattye sells it, and it is so worth it.
Rope knotting is a great way to develop your tension and rhythm. And yes, definitely try Pattye's Serafil thread It is stronger and does not stretch which is especially important with the extra weight of a rope. Welcome to the club!
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That’s a fab result! I love the mix of shapes and colors. I know how much patience it took, too. I’ve been wanting to make a set of three 40” endless necklaces to wear as a torsade, but I’m daunted by all the knotting. Longest I have knotted so far is is probably 36”. You’re inspiring me to get on with it, probably in the spring.

Wear it in good health!

Nicely done. The rope is very balanced or maybe one might say well composed. The white pearls lightens up the design. I have knotted really long ropes in silk as well, before I discovered Beaders secret, I remember being frustrated with the silk.
Y'all are making me blush over here! My frustrations so far weren't so much with the silk itself as with my own lack of expertise- there were several times I had to cut it up and start again, due to having missed a knot between pearls or relaxed my tension on the thread and accidentally tied a knot an inch or two away from a pearl. Well worth the effort, though, and I'm looking forward to starting another project soon, likely involving learning to attach a clasp, instead of another endless rope. This could be the beginning of an excellent new hobby.
If you use Beaders secret instead of silk mistakes are more easily fixed. If a knot gets in the wrong place you can just separate the two treads and it slides next to the pearls. It's also possible to undo a knot. With silk the tread usually frayes if you trie to remove a knot. What are your going to do for your next project, the one with the clasp.
I'm thinking of buying up a whole bunch of cheap craft store pearls and making a few bracelets to distribute to my various lady friends. Basically anything that will get me lots of practice, but I'm certainly open to ideas and suggestions!
Very very attractive!
I like Beaders Secret too, for ease of use, colors and it stays cleaner looking than silk.
I guess for jewelers/tradition it’s important to be able to use silk with skill.
Good job! That takes a lot of patience. I don't think I'd be up to stringing 100 inches. I'd be in a great big knot trying to do that!