Kink in strand of new pearls


Feb 13, 2011
I bought an 18" strand of keshi pearls in pastel hues at an online resource. So I did not see this strand in my hands before the purchase. I am very enchanted with the look of them and feel I got what I paid for, meaning they were a satisfactory value.

However, the strand is kinked, so they do not lay quite aligned around my neck. I realize they are not round pearls so I'm not remarking on the varying shapes that give them the interesting bumps and unevenness of the keshi aspect. I mean that they seem to be strung pretty tightly so even if I put them on a soft cloth and lay them out end to end, they do not lie in a straight line; there is a kink or two along the 18 inches. It is not overly noticeable on the neck, but it does show.

Will this loosen with time as their weight works on the string when worn? They are individaully knotted between each pearl. Are some knotted too close together or by some other error and this is what they will do forever? I can return them if you advise they are strung defectively. but I'd love to keep them if this is something that will resolve with time and lots of wearing (I can hardly take them off. They are so lustrous and beautiful individually.)

Thanks for any help. Somehow I had the confidence to buy them without input! Now I need confidence to keep them based on advice!
Hi Sailor,
Most likely they will relax, or just give them a gentle tug or two. Sounds like a beautiful strand. Keshi are amazing! Welcome,
Agreed! Having them strung tight is a good thing. Just run your fingers down the thread pulling (a slight tug like Marianne said), or lay them on a flat surface and roll them with your finger back and forth where the kink is, if that's possible based on the shape.
You want them to be tight on arrival PearlSailor, that way when they relax they will hang perfectly. If they were strung to hang perfectly "out of the box" then you'll get gaps between the pearls when it does relax.
Hi Sailor. Come Here often?

Hi Sailor. Come Here often?


When was the last time you just met somebody and said, "Hi Sailor?" :D
Oopse, now that you put it that way....guess it's been awhile! Haven't been through Brunswick in years......giggle :)
The addition of a very large enhancer will help pull that kink out...Just sayin'
Talking as a beader, that kink means it was strung tightly and therefore done by a good knotter. You can get it relaxed with any of the suggestions given here. Just don't use water to relax it! Silk will relax too much when wet.
Ha, Caitlin, ya caught me! I was just going to suggest she wet it, just on the areas where the kink is unyielding, if nothing else works. Is this really such a bad idea?

Plus, I've noticed if I change the direction of knotting or hand, a kink just like this resulted. Will the kink ever yield if it's a problem with knotting?
All great ideas and I will trust the strand to straighten over time by wearing it. I will take steps suggested if that doesn't help. I am so glad that the consensus is that the knotting quality is good and that kinking is not uncommon and not a defect. MANY THANKS to all replies.
As another beader, I agree with Caitlyn,

Wetting the silk with water can make a difference and stretch too much and ruin the necklace. Just wait the kinks should relax on their own in time.

Enjoy your new necklace!

I have a necklace that is kinked like this, unfortunately the kinks have not come out of mine. I think it is due to the fact that I NEVER wear this strand (they are freshwater "ringed" pearls that I bought before I knew that was not a good thing, they are moderately ringed and I do not care for the look and therefore never wear them). My other strands were kinked when I bought them but have straightened out quite nicely. That is, the ones I wear have straightened out.....