Restringing Vintage Pearl Necklace - Questions


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2023
We have my husband's Grandmother's pearls that she wore at her wedding. They are LaTausca pearls so faux pearls but they do have sentimental value. They range from 3.5mm to 7.0mm. They were originally strung with no knots. I need to restring them but am unsure whether to knot them or leave them as is? What would you do? Knot between each pearl, knot every 4-5 pearls or only knot at the ends?
If it was me I would knot them between each bead just for the sake of keeping them safe since they have sentimental value.

If you want them to look as they did when she wore them, only knot at the ends. If you use good materials and restring often the risk of breaking and losing any pearls would be minimal I would think.
If it was me I would knot them between each bead just for the sake of keeping them safe since they have sentimental value.

If you want them to look as they did when she wore them, only knot at the ends. If you use good materials and restring often the risk of breaking and losing any pearls would be minimal I would think.
Thanks Lary007. I ended up knotting by the clasp but didn't like how it looked so just strung the rest without knots. I'll just have to keep an eye on them and restring when necessary. Here they are cleaned and restrung.

It’s nice to have it in its original form since it is a sentimental piece. I find beading thread to be really durable. I’ve never had string break on me, but I don’t have anything that gets daily wear. I like those golden colors a lot!
It’s nice to have it in its original form since it is a sentimental piece. I find beading thread to be really durable. I’ve never had string break on me, but I don’t have anything that gets daily wear. I like those golden colors a lot!
Good to know jeg. I had originally thought I would knot it all the way but I really didn't like how it changed the necklace so I only have a couple knots next to the clasp.