ICPGC - Pearl Guide Ruckus!

but the women even moreso

You are right Nerida! I meant to put that in my reply... My apologies to Jeremy's beautiful staff!
I'm afraid I can't really add anything new to what has already been said, but man, what a WONDERFUL time I had!!!!! Surpassed all of my expectations. The moment I arrived, I felt like I was surrounded by long-lost friends and soulmates. Everyone was SO warm and friendly and welcoming and interesting and fun.

Thank you so much for your generous hospitality, Jeremy. And to Steve for the lovely wines, and to Mikeyy for the caviar which I consumed almost single-handedly. And to Josh for the beautiful oyster shells (which I do plan to incorporate into a pearly corset one of these days). And to all of my fellow ruckus-ers who made this a truly memorable weekend.

I'm still basking in the pearly afterglow...:D:D:D

I'm finally home (as of late afternoon yesterday) and have been having so much fun looking at the fun we had! (Ickpagick - the gift that keeps on giving :D) Thanks to all of the photographers - my iPhone got retired after Friday night because I was enjoying myself too much to be bothered pulling it out again.

It was wonderful meeting everyone and being able to confirm my suspicions that we have a group of the most warm, lovely, talented and interesting folks on the internet. This community has done so much to make me happy and expand my horizons. I truly would never have presumed a few years ago when I joined that I would be flying halfway across the country to join in the company of such extraordinary people and in such an extraordinary setting!

Now about next year....
Not much I could add either--except the following:

1. Not a soul watched the movie, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" although it played over and over during the PP party Saturday night-------------

2. We really did toast all the P-G members not in attendance----and we missed you---------

3. I played no part in decimating Jeremy's rare Scotch collection---------

4. I needed more time at Sunday's Show and Tell to look at pearls-----

5. We ate caviar and hors d'oeuvres from Josh's beautiful polished shells, and then got to keep them as souvenirs-------

All the things Mikeyy, Sheri and Boo said are true--a diverse, fun-loving, pearl-loving, compatible group!

Many thanks again to all those who made this event so amazing, Jeremy, Sheryl, Mikeyy, Steve, Josh and sooooo many others------
Not much I could add either--except the following:

1. Not a soul watched the movie, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" although it played over and over during the PP party Saturday night-------------

Who wants to watch it when the "real" fun, and "real" pearls are nearby? ;)
2. We really did toast all the P-G members not in attendance----and we missed you---------
3. I played no part in decimating Jeremy's rare Scotch collection---------
5. We ate caviar and hors d'oeuvres from Josh's beautiful polished shells, and then got to keep them as souvenirs-------
All the things Mikeyy, Sheri and Boo said are true--a diverse, fun-loving, pearl-loving, compatible group!
Many thanks again to all those who made this event so amazing, Jeremy, Sheryl, Mikeyy, Steve, Josh and sooooo many others------

Thanks to all for the detailed report and photos and thanks for remembering us. Not as good as being there, but still something.

Love to all.
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I agree, it's hard to add to what has been said! Thank you so much to Jeremy, Mike, Sheryl, and all others that helped plan this fantastic weekend!!

It felt like a family reunion! Warm and endearing.
Pearly Donna.Talk about warm and endearing! You are it.
It was great to meet you all! You my homies!

I can't remember a group ever, ever, ever, that felt so much like home.
I love you all! My sisters, brothers, cousins, daughters, sons, nieces and nephews. It felt like being a Hawaiian Auntie and..... we got to talk pearl to our hearts content!

Jeremy and his staff are included in my new clan, but they deserve special mention too. What a crew! Thank you all for the Big Blast!

Mikey's caviar, another first for me, but just great. I wish I had eaten more of it. I loved the yellow tomato gazpacho, too. I didn't drink near enough of Steve's wines- but that was probably a good thing, since I met the scotch......

I never liked scotch. I'm a beer girl. Beer goes real good with commercial freshwater pearls, you know. I hated the scotch Friday night, it tasted like pencil shavings stewed in vodka. But Jeremy's scotch- I just had to keep tasting that one! I finally settled on the 21 year old scotch. Steve said it was pickled (or whatever that process is called) in wine kegs for the 21 years. If it weren't there, I would've been much more sober, the other scotches were ok, but not that tasty to my uneducated palette. I did manage to get to my room without staggering and Unbelievably, no hangover! I think I can hold my scotch. Thanks for those 1/2 shot glasses, Jeremy!

I am now a convert to Tahitians and that 21 year old scotch.

Yeah, I think I'll paint my fingers and toes to match the Tahitian necklace- an under coat of black, all shades of green with incredible overtones, so each nail will have to be different color....
Go back to my post # 70, First Picture. It is 3 Blue Hawaiian Angels with chair halos. It is my favorite photo from the ones I took. Never mind, here it is again:


  • 3 blue Hawaiian angels.JPG
    3 blue Hawaiian angels.JPG
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Jeremy gave this to me in front of everyone Friday night. OMG! OMG! I needed a hanky and there wasn't one!

Also some ginormous CFWP studs in a totally intriguing color. Almost white with surface iridescence, indoor daytime, but it is actually a light metallic pinky orange in a north light and in the night lights. Do pearls come in pastel Paraparadscha color, or however you spell it?

Now you know what I mean about the nail polish. Maybe I'll start with some silver mixed in the black....


  • TahitianNecklace-lowres.jpg
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This will sound weird, but after reading this thread and seeing the photos I'm glad in a way that I didn't come, because I'd feel so left out! I'd feel like a little school girl being at a big, formal party... I'm glad you all had fun though and I'm looking forward to the next time (if there will be any) in a few years time when I'm a little more grown up...

Did you really, really toast in honour of the people that weren't there? Even me?!
Caitlin, what a wonderful gesture from Jeremy to a very deserving and hardworking P-G
administrator! I'm very happy for you that you will be wearing a stunning strand of Tahitians!

Wear them in the best of health!
This will sound weird, but after reading this thread and seeing the photos I'm glad in a way that I didn't come, because I'd feel so left out! I'd feel like a little school girl being at a big, formal party... I'm glad you all had fun though and I'm looking forward to the next time (if there will be any) in a few years time when I'm a little more grown up...

Did you really, really toast in honour of the people that weren't there? Even me?!

Oh, Mervione! I had a little bit of the same concern. I am a woefully unglamorous corn-fed midwestern lowly beader and there were some incredible pearl-rati there but it was such a warm and wonderful group. You most certainly would not have been left out or made to feel out of place. And yes, we did toast our absent friends - you were not forgotten and you were most certainly missed.
You're tempting me to come next year! I should really do a grand tour of the US. Maybe if I don't take on a mortgage ...
I can't remember a group ever, ever, ever, that felt so much like home.
I love you all! My sisters, brothers, cousins, daughters, sons, nieces and nephews.
Likewise, Caitlin. I always knew it was 'tough love.'

Another round of applause to Pearl-Guide, Jeremy and the Pearl Paradise staff for taking a great idea and turning it into something really unforgettable.
Darn Pond! From what I read, I have missed one trip worth taking... can only hope for a next time....

Congratulations for the meaningful gift, Caitlin!
Congratulations, Caitlin. It's a well-deserved, and extremely lovely strand!!! Have fun with your manicure and pedicure! ;)
Oh Caitlin! How beautiful! What a wonderful way to celebrate all you do for us. Now ... as you are so fond of saying ... LET'S SEE THE PICS!