ICPGC - Pearl Guide Ruckus!

Thanks! I only got a small part of the show and tell. I hope someone else took some photos of the other wonderful offerings. ;)

Thank you for sharing beautiful moments and pearls.
I'd like to add my thanks to Cathy and Nora's. It looks like it was a great time surrounded by beautiful pearls and even more beautiful friendships!
Too much Mai Tai, Scotch? :D Wait, or is it from bead throwing? ;)
I am quite confident it was not the wine!

The festivities of the previous evening didn't slow down the show and tell on Sunday. These shots of the room give an idea of the frenzy. Josh might have thought he was back swimming with the sharks!

Blaire: Thanks for posting those great photos. One small correction is that the Poe Pipi pendant large drop is also a Poe Pipi (9.6x13mm, the largest most Cook Islanders have seen, or even ZE!).


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A wonderful weekend indeed! It isn't even over yet for me - I am stuck at O'Hare waiting for a plane to replace the plane that replaced the plane I was originally supposed to be on... I'd much rather be looking at pearls!
Thanks for the lovely photos, Blire, Smetzler and everyone else and we hope for more reports about everything!
Today I awoke as an ordinary person and not a member of the pearl-rati, awash in champagne and caviar... Somehow I'll just have to make do! ;)
Here are pix I took Friday night at the dinner


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Post #70: The lady sitting to Pattye's right side at dinner, is that Marianne? I've never seen so many happy faces and pearls at the same time.

I hope Boo gets home tonight.
Well, I am sitting at LAX for a few hours before my flight home, so have some time to reflect on the weekend.

What an amazing experience to finally meet in person some people whom I already considered to be friends. I don't think there were any surprises! I met Sheri feeling like I had known her for years, Pattye is as warm and generous in real life as I expected, and our favourite pearl farmer is such a dude! It truly was a privilege to meet so many of our group, and there was no need to spend time bonding - the forum has already done that for us!

So some highlights....

A few hours at Pearl Paradise on Thursday before the ruckus with Mike, Jeremy and Josh definitely helped me settle in to pearl mode for the weekend..
Friday dinner, and meeting my tall friend Sheri who felt like an old buddy even before we met. Definitely a dive trip sometime! This was the first time the whole group was together, and it was great fun, especially sitting around the hotel with everyone after dinner before a very late bedtime..
Saturday.... well, what can I say? PP was looking elegant and cool with Jeremy's beautiful staff joining our PG group. The oysters, the excellent, excellent wines (thank you Steve), the amazing caviar (thank you Mike), and of course.... the scotch room.
Caitlin being just a little affected by Jeremy's scotch (okay, okay, I could get hooked on Jeremy's scotch), and again a very late bedtime. And Mikeyy, you should have a sore head still ... it would be obscene if you could have drunk that much and not had a sore head!

Sunday pearl gazing... Sheryl's beautiful pieces, Josh's fabulous stock, and getting to know the very elegant and professional Sarah a little better.

Octavia is joining me for a springtime in Australia, and hopefully will be up to some travel with me a little later in the year. I could whisk her out now for a quick little drinkie before the flight.... I do promise to care for her well, Blaire!

So, thank you Mike for the idea, Sheryl for taking it up and making it happen, and most of all, thank you Jeremy. You were nothing short of an amazing host... yes, it was great to see your pearls, but it was a pleasure to have been part of the "party" for the weekend. And yes, it was worth the trip! Thank you everyone for making it such a fabulous weekend!
Oh, a quick PS... I did get "drowned" by Sheri's monster rope sometime (can't remember when, and I am sure there is a photo somewhere...). it is enormous!
Actually can't tell you how many beautiful pearls I managed to drape around my neck over the weekend. I even forgot that I had Sarah's Chinese kasumi-esque strand on for an hour or so!
And the start of some pictures! We took quite a few shots before the party...

I decided to take a shot with the ladies of the office before the event.

Left to right:

Chenai, Rachel, Mia, Jeremy, Elia, Hisano, Natalie and Loree

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And another in the vault...

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The mood lighting was set! This is the main showroom transformed into an elegant lounge (thank you Carole Grogan from Simply Natural Events!)

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Mia's office was the setting for a silent playing of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

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Amy, a very good friend of mine and one of the first employees at Pearl Paradise made an incredible bartender. Loree was getting ready to enjoy some magnificent Spanish wine, courtesy of Steve.

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And my personal, single-malt scotch bar. This is pre-party. It is not very impressive any more. :p

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And a few more pictures, starting with a couple of shots just before the party began.
Pre Party.jpg

Marianne and Nerida
Marianne and Nerida.jpg

Mike and Sheri
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The PP ladies enjoying the wine ... again ;)

And a few more!

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A very good time. And what a great group. Glad Jeremy wasn't in the room when I caught his falling bottle of 30 year old scotch with my foot. That will put your heart in your throat. Nothing was damaged until after we drank it. Which is the natural order of things I believe.

I know that it is a bit unusual to meet the people you post with on a forum. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get. But I have to say that the PG group we have are a kick. I could go through a list of positive adjectives, but suffice to say that you people are a kick. Everyone of them are supportive to each other and the pearling industry. Real pearl lovers. Real people lovers. All around nice folks.

OK now don't go getting stuck on yourselves. Even though its all true.
I truly enjoy reading this thread and admiring all these beautiful pearls from PG'ers :).
Jeremy, I'm not sure which is more beautiful - the finest pearls you sell or the women you work with! What a lovely group!

And thank you for all of the other photos.
Jeremy, I'm not sure which is more beautiful - the finest pearls you sell or the women you work with! What a lovely group!

The pearls were gorgeous, but the women even moreso. I did notice that Jeremy doesn't seem to employ any men...???