My baroque akoyas are here. 9mm is one of my favorite sizes. Easy to wear, but still pretty big for akoyas. They're actually not baroque enough to read as baroque from a distance. They're quite round, but have spots and divots that really only I can see. Very pinked, but the luster is very similar to my Hanadama studs I got at Ruckus 2017. The pink is a very different color from all my other pearls. They actually make my other pearls look yellow. The baroques aren't as soap bubbly as I was hoping, but they are very shiny.
So here's the baroque akoyas in the middle. Mom's 9 mm perfectly round white akoyas on the left, and my natural white 8 mm Hanadamas from PP on the right.
I had PP put a white gold orbit clasp on the strand instead of the ball clasp.
And next to the Everything Bagel rope from Kojima.
And next to my 9 mm Hanadama studs from PP. This is the match that sold me on the necklace.
Neck shot.
There's part of me that feels I really don't need these. But I spun the wheel and got a discount card that was good for 30 minutes, and I had a bunch of pearl points, so the necklace cost me next to nothing. It's a keeper.
One more. Nested with Mom's 9 mm akoyas. They don't match, but they look good from a distance.