Holiday Wish List

Sanippy, Love The Mismatched Studs!!!! I swear, you'll find they go with everything.

JP: Hands off. I've been lusting after those, too. OK, confession, I've been lusting after just about everything on the Kojima site this winter. It's been all I can do to keep from ordering everything. I'm actually a bit relieved when something I liked gets sold, as it takes me off the hook.

I wore my new baroque akoya necklace today with the Everything Bagel rope and my Hanadama studs, and I think I'm in love with the baroque akoyas. From a distance, they look exactly like my Hanadama studs. If I look up close, I can see all the dings and blips and offround shapes, but damn, it's a good looking necklace for the price.

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BWeaves, I love the colour and luster of your baroque akoya, and they look great layered!

lilpearl- love your new ring!

Pattye, gorgeous pearl. I love the funky shape and what a beautiful colour! It looks almost rainbow.

My mismatched studs arrived from Oceans Cove and I LOVE them! And how cute is the packaging!

Those studs are stunning!!! Love the luster~
Somebody bought that big honking white Freshie necklace off Kojima. Anyone here? I want to see neck shots.
Sanippy and BWeaves, you look amazing in your new purchases!

These freshwater pearl hoop earrings caught my eye during the Pearl Paradise Black Friday sale. I resisted them until last week when I spun the wheel and got an irresistible deal on them.

They’re beautiful to look at but I have mixed feelings about how they look on me. Anyway here are the pictures.




I think the earrings are lovely. Glad to know I'm not the only one who couldn't resist spinning the wheel!

Is it that you don't normally wear large hoops? It's a different look than you normally wear. Maybe if you tried them with white pearl necklaces? (although I love those Ts!!!).
Anyone seen the Pearl Paradise Video on FB? South Sea Harvest strands for those who had them on their wish lists. :)
Black Friday Cherry Tahitians

Black Friday Cherry Tahitians

We finally had a not so bright day today, and I attempted to take pictures of my cherry/Peacock Tahitians from the PP Black Friday sale.. The pearls in this strand are 11"-13.9" round and described as having a dark body color with peacock/cherry overtones and sharp luster. I loved these guys from the first time I opened the box.


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Luvglitz, the Tahitians look like a great size on your neck! I also like how you used the hanger with the drop pendant. :)