Vendor and Buyer Comparison Shots
Vendor and Buyer Comparison Shots
Hi everyone, I wasn't sure if this should actually be in the Show us your Tahitians thread, or here, but for the sake of continuity I decided to post here first. Let me know if there's a preference for them to be there too.
Posting these photos
might be a little redundant in my case (my apologies) since I was lucky- and Druzy Designs is wonderful- that the pearl turned out exactly as I would have expected based on the vendor photos- factoring in the bright conditions of the vendor photos. But
since I said I would try to take and share photos of similar angles I am following through with that and uploading these side-by-side with the vendor shots.
Maybe to others' eyes the pearl might appear more different; so I hope the pictures are helpful. These were taken with Canon S95 on Auto setting under indirect sunlight, a little dark at times. No adjustments were made except to crop the images. In direct sunlight, the pearl is a uniform gunmetal gray with the slightest hint of color.
In some cases I didn't get the exact face of the pearl but the roundness of the lower half pretty much makes the colors similar all-around. I think that there are a few shots that show the "blemishes" with a little more clarity- BUT I am absolutely not suggesting that these are bad flaws, hence the quotations- as you all know I have been gushing over this item for the longest time (sorry folks!).
The summary of description from the vendor was spot-on: 10.2mm x 12.6mm, "black w/rainbow peacock overglow", "minor natural blemishes", "near-round" with "high mirror metallic luster"
Photos are as follows, with Druzy Designs' on the left and mine on the right: