Circled Peacock Tahitians

lol....... aw shucks guys...... thanks so much!

i admit there is still part of me that feels like i have to go `um, well, they AREN`T perfect, they have flaws on the surface etc.`because i felt a bit embarassed about where i got them (fuzzy, i got them on eBay! `auction pearls`. they have another strand that is very similiar actually, a bit bigger - largest pearl is 13.7mm, mine is 13mm) i spent about an hour going over them with my loupe today (10x) just to make sure they were REAL (i don`t even know what kind of treatments they could do to tahitians to make them `better` so i don`t know what i was looking for! lol. but i looked in the drill holes etc. they look okay. there was certainly no coating or anything like that on them (they have lots of expensive strands for sale as well. and i figured for the peacocks they only had those two. since peacock is so highly sought after, if they WERE somehow treated, why wouldn`t they ALL be `peacock`, right?) i`m still stuck on french characters!!!!

- jodie -

(and i needed a new avatar to represent my new black rainbows! lol it`s neat, eh?)
Enjoy wearing those lovely peacocks and don't worry about the few flaws - they are what make them unique. Anyone who sees the pearls and spots the flaws will appreciate them for what they are and if they are close enough to see flaws only seen with a loupe they are too close anyway.
You have got a strand of super peacocks. If they were perfect perfect you would not have them because they would have cost a fortune more, so enjoy
I so pleased that you love the colour in person!! Always a bit of anxiety when you rely on the photos..doesnt always come out the way you want. So I'm thrilled for you. Very exciting I'm sure....I certainly would be VERY EXCITED (you can tell by the caps that just thinking about how excited I'd be..has in fact made me all excited!!!!) :)
katbran, that made me laugh! (and get a little bit excited i must admit ;)

i wore them out for lunch with my family yesterday and was cursing the fact that i don't have ANY white sweaters! what am i THINKING only having black sweaters for winter?!?!?! (oh, i fixed my keyboard! well, boyfriend did.....) was tempted to wear a white t-shirt but it was too cold.......

and....... nobody noticed them. lol!

- jodie -
hee hee hee.......... pearlies are funny!

going to a christmas party tomorrow night....... my girlfriends are NOT shy, you better believe they will be saying "um, WHAT are those??"....... "oh, THESE old things? why, i only wear these when i don't care WHAT i look like!" (and yes, that is my ode to "It's a Wonderful Life" - i can quote lines from it i've seen it so many times......)

- jodie -
Neck Shot!

Neck Shot!

it was sunny the last few days - took some new photos and i think i figured out how to correct the colour. also replaced the clasp with a temporary one until i find something permanent (i can now wear them with the clasp forward and get away with wearing them during the day...... i think.......)

wow i love these things...... surely it can't be healthy...... sigh......

- jodie -
Whiskey quartzblack diamonds and TahitianThai sapphires, South Seas pearl & Tahitian pearl


  • black diamond and SS pearl
    black diamond and SS pearl
    23.7 KB · Views: 98
They look great on you! And you are so lucky to even have some sun :)

Pearls have got to be healthy - for anything but your wallet...

- Karin
Jodie - the photos are very good - they get better and better with each set, from the start of the thread - I think the sun does help with Tahitians

you really could hide those pearls in a Peacock's tail

The clasp is lovely too (does it stay flat when worn at the front, or does it flip.... ?)

Oh, and yes, it is VERY healthy :-)
Jodie, those are beautiful on you and you can wear them anywhere!!!
lol - you are right there adeline (about being a 'goner'!) hey, i wanted to tell you - i bought my first pair of 'blunnies' today! love them! so comfy! how 'bout that - tahitians and blundstones - works for me!

it's a little vintage gold plated pansy clasp i got on etsy - i love how it looks but it has no safety catch (and yes, it flips over so not the best for wearing facing 'forward')

she had another one - here's the link:

thanks for all the compliments!!!! makes my day you guys! you're the best!

- jodie -