China Customs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sheila
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I want to take some strings of freshwater pearls from China with me on the way back, to sell at home. I recently found out that Chinese customs wants you to fill in a new form (baggage declaration form for outgoing passengers). One of the items they are interested in is 'goods of commercial value, samples and advertisements'.
Does this mean you have to pay some sort of tax leaving China with these goods? Does anybody have experience with this?

I just dealt with this leaving China. They are now also having you fill out a form for cash that you are bringing in (if over $5k). I used the form on the way into China for the cash, and I again filled out the similar one for departure. Altough I had goods with me in excess of $200,000 no one batted an eyelash. There was an agent sitting outside in front of the departure lounge that collected them similar to the one that collects your health form on entry.
I am not sure if they are collecting this for information or if they intend to charge export. If they charge you anything please do let us know. If that is the case it will be FedEx from now on instead of monster carry-ons.
I have experienced this in many different countries. My perception on this matter is that customs is trying to document what is going out of China and is most likely going to start putting an export tax on several types of good. I know that they are currently taxing most textile goods because the clothing industry in this area has been a huge business. Taxing other items may not be far from reality, including pearls.
my perception

my perception

Hello,I am chinese, and often do business with foreigners in different perception is that the customs let you fill out this form so that they will know what things did you buy in china and what things did foreigners often buy in china.I think It is important .Because the manufacturer will know from the principals what things are very popular in these season.In these case some relevant manufactories will enlarge the production a certain degree, it is beneficial to the trade of china.

Besides,the customs will charge exported tax on some products which you buyed in china.We often send our pearls products to our clients with EMS or other ways.If need be,the shipping conpany will pay the exported tax.

chinese custom

chinese custom

From China, is it better to bring pearls with you on board or checked baggage or send it thru Fedex or EMS post? say goods worth $5000 or so?. Also is there any custom duty at american airports for such goods?
If you bring in $5000 worth of goods you will have to contract the services of a broker. I typically do this as I never have any problems entering the US, but often packages are held up when shipped. The broker charges a flat fee (typically) and any custom charges. The duty on the pearls will be 0, which is nice, unless you string the pearls in China. Finished jewelry is dutiable at 5.5%, whereas loose hanks have no duty. I hand carry every time because I import legally and have no custom issues - it also gives me a better peace of mind. If you fly back business class you do not have the same baggage restrictions, so you can actually carry a lot of stock.

One thing that I strongly, strongly recommend is to import 100% legally! As many of you know I was employed with an airline years ago. I have heard/seen many horror stories of crew members who attempted to bring things in without claiming them. While this may work for a while, you eventually will get caught, and have a target on your back for the rest of your life - not to mention the fines you will have to initially pay. One person in particular was caught with nearly $50,000 worth of goods, had her accounts examined, and was charged duty and fines on the last 2 years of purchases (that they determined she made in China).
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chinese customs

chinese customs

thanks Jeremy.
Do we have to apply for import license and if yes how and where to get and contact the authorities?
In case there is no prior import license necessary, is it ok to just declare the total value of goods at custom counter at the airport upon arrival, and pay the duty if any?
Do we have to show the invoices to prove the value declared?