Hi again!
Part 1 The trip:
I choose to fly from Copenhagen to Shanghai and then took the bus to Yiwu from the airport. It’s a 4 hour journey but the cheapest way to get there. The easiest way would rather be the maglev train or a taxi to Shanghai North or South and then the bullet train to Yiwu, but it will be a bit more expensive.
As told before, my budget for the pearls was limited, so I choose to make the trip as cheap as possible to save the money for the pearls.
Think I saved at least $100-200 to do it this way.
After a few days purchasing in Yiwu and a long talk with my agent about the pearl market , I decided not to pay for a pre-package tourist trip. Not even the offer from him to have an interpreter with me for the cost of around $80 a day + expenses of at least two reasons.
The costs and the problem that the whole pearl market knows exactly when the tourist busses arrive and is ready to lure some tourists. I did not either know if there was some hidden business connections with the interpreter or him, my agent, and the sellers on the market.
I suspected and later got proofed that the Agent and my interpreter had some connections with the factory order shops at the Yiwu market, but managed to go past it, but that’s another story...
I choose to travel incognito on my own and on the same time save at least $200-400 more.
I had a pre arrangement with the Bank Of China, and the day before withdrew 100 000 Yen (around $15 000) in cash. I knew beforehand that the only way to do business in the pearl market in the beginning is cash payment, and it was naturally a bit worrying.
In China the largest bill is 100 Yen and it was more than 1.2 kilo (almost 2.5 pound) of bills. But the strange thing is that I felt safe all the time carrying it. I also have a business insurance that covers the most of that money. It´s not either the first time I carry that amount of cash.
I prepared the cash by dividing them in different coloured paper envelope of 2, 4 and 10 000 Yen, to avoid showing the whole amount at any time.
Some days before I asked the hotel personnel to write me a note in Chinese with the place I was going to. Without this note it would have been impossible to do the trip. (Photo)
At 06.30 the 10:th of May I walked 10 minutes to the bus station in Yiwu, showed the note and pointed on the Chinese text and said Zhuji as good as I could in Chinese. I got the ticket for a cost of 20 Yen ($3). (Photo) The buss ride took little more than one hour. Good I thought. Now I’m in Zhuji and only a short walk to the pearl market.
But no. I needed to take a local bus (1.50 Yen) to another bus station In Zhuji. That’s the black text on the note that a very help some ticket seller wrote for me in the first Zhuji bus station with translation help from the only English-speaking Chinese out of perhaps 500 people at the station.
Another bus for 10 minutes (8 ?Yen) and a 5 minutes’ walk to another bus station. The note saved me again and a ticket was bought. 30 min bus ride later and I was in Shan Xia Hu town.
I could not see the pearl market at first, but after a while, after some 10 min walking I saw it.
The trip back:
With a heavy suitcase full of pearls and almost no money left at around 17.30 and when the fair closed, I decided not to stay one more day as planned. I asked the last seller where the bus station was, and he walked with me for some 10 minutes to show where it was. These phenomena to walk beside someone for quite long distance just to show the way is not uncommon in China I noticed, but have never encountered it anywhere else in the world.
I took the bus to Zhuji and decided to take the train back to Yiwu for some reasons. I was heavy loaded and I thought that it could not be especially hard for a potential Chinese thief to figure out that a western with heavy load coming with a bus from ShanXia Hua town probably and likely have some valuables in the suitcase. Probably some pearls.
I stepped out of the bus and took a taxi to the train station in Zhuji. (pointed on the note and showed the taxi driver) Have planned beforehand for the train, but it was quite hard for me to buy the ticket No one talked English at all. 100% no one. Only Chinese, but I got my ticket at last.
After a 20 min trip with the bullet train (photo) and nearly missed the stop at Yiwu, I took the bus 801 from the train station 20 min to the center of Yiwu (1.50 yen) and a taxi (12 Yen) to the hotel.
At around 21.30 I was back and prepared a noodle soup in the hotel room with boiled water. When I was waiting for it to cool down I passed out in the bed and woke up 8 hours later. And yes, the noodle soup was then quite cold…
Some days after the exhausting trip, I asked my Agent if there are not easier way to go to the pearl market and yes there are. He proposed me to hire a private driver and a car for a day next time. To ask the hotel or the fixer´s outside (to be found outside almost all the hotels in china). This will cost around $250-300 and I´m today willing to say that it is wort every dime. Perhaps the best is to share and split the cost with someone else.
My trip to the market and back costed me around $20, but do not advice anyone to make it the way I did.
As told before, the program mode on the camera was on during the first photos, but luckily noticed it when I photographed only some of the pearls (some Edisons)
Photo 1: The note that made and saved both me and the whole trip.

2: All the tickets bought on the trip
The rest, just ask.