Can't decide- FW or Tahitian Baroques

n yellow gold for the tahitians
I gotta suggest going with white gold for tahitians, yellow gold just doesn't look as crisp to me.

Isn't that dependent on the size of the pearls and the rest of the outfit?
For me personally, no its not. I find the shapes of Tahitian baroques to be more attractive then the typical FW baroque shapes. Thats just me and I will admit I have a soft spot for baroque tahitians just look at my avatar ;)

And Pattye as always let me know if you have somethign special in mind I'll be happy to help.
I think it does depend on the overtones. I like yellow gold with the obviously peacock/greens, but white gold with the aquas/greys. I think either would work with this particular strand, so go for it!
Gold work colour is quite personal IMHO.

I had my "colours" analysed, and it turned out I am a "Winter". Browns and beiges do not suit me, and definitely not yellow gold.

I know there must be a reason why I do not like wearing yellow gold from a very young age, and hates anything brown! :D

DK :)
Dear Callire:
I just love the Tahitians you are looking at! Last year I bought some silver ones from PP and they were just beautiful. I kept them for a while, (I'm Irish-I had a feeling about them). When my sister was separated from her husband last winter she was depressed so I gave them to her as a 'just because' gift. She loved them. And you know what? Every time we went out for tea or dinner she would wear them to show me she loved them. I kept seeing their soft silver gleam on her neck. Her blond hair would brush their aqua highlights as we talked. By the time she went back to California I was sold. Someday I'm going to buy Tahitians for me!
You should get 'em. They're amazing in person.
The longer you look, the more you like. Doesn't even really matter that they are PPB's or that they are AA+ instead of AAA. They're Tahitian!
Dear Callire:
I just love the Tahitians you are looking at! Last year I bought some silver ones from PP and they were just beautiful. I kept them for a while, (I'm Irish-I had a feeling about them). When my sister was separated from her husband last winter she was depressed so I gave them to her as a 'just because' gift. She loved them. And you know what? Every time we went out for tea or dinner she would wear them to show me she loved them. I kept seeing their soft silver gleam on her neck. Her blond hair would brush their aqua highlights as we talked. By the time she went back to California I was sold. Someday I'm going to buy Tahitians for me!
You should get 'em. They're amazing in person.
The longer you look, the more you like. Doesn't even really matter that they are PPB's or that they are AA+ instead of AAA. They're Tahitian!

This made me smile :) I think I'm going to get the Tahitians, but I'm going to wait a little bit longer until I pad my pearl fund a little bit and get through midterms with great grades (what better motivation to do well than tahitians?) I'm happy; I just got an A on one of my essays (good considering I'm going to be a writer)
Another vote for the Tahitians. I think the price is fantastic. Personally I prefer the ball clasp. It is simple and does not take the attention away from the pearls and you can dress it up or down with this type of clasp. To me, yellow gold pairs beautifully with darker pearls and white gold pairs better with lighter pearls. Keep in mind that the pearl pictures are on white background. Once they are on your neck, your skin will "warm" up the colors a notch (pearls will be a little darker on your skin than on the white background). Just MHO. Good luck.
Also if you choose a shiny clasp in either white or yellow or rose it will reflect the colors of pearls, skin, clothing, etc around it too-----
I always use white gold with dark Tahitians (also mainly ball clasp) because is does not detract attention from the pearls. But you should always consider what kind of earings do you tend to wear. In may case the clasp of the Tahitian strand very often slips down from the neck, so it is very convinient to have whilte gold clasp because I mostly wear white gold earings (I have dark hair, grey eyes and light skin yellow gold is not for me).

In my recent experience darr Tahitians with their metallic luster form a very good combination with a white gold clasp. I hardly notice the clasp, and this is exactly good.
OHMYGOD!! I think it sold out!! Who poached my pearls?? :( I'm going to go cry now!

Do you think PP can match me a strand in that general price figure ($400)?

I'm really upset!
I thought you must be wrong because it came up when I clicked the link but it is indeed showing as sold out. Had you tried adding it to your cart before now? Could it have already been sold and you just didn't know it?

Last week or the week before someone else was posting about the same strand. Maybe they decided to buy it after all?

Why don't you call PP Monday and see what else they have?
Gosh, that is too bad, Callire, but I don't think you should assume someone who posts here bought them. PP has a ton of customers, we are just a few. They are lovely pearls, but I am sure there will be more. This is a good year to buy Tahitians! Maybe someone in your family bought them for you?? Or a boyfriend?????
Pattye is so right. Did you tell your family/boyfriend/friends about it? Just have to hope they got it from you...

I`ve seen lots of other nice baroque strands on PP, and they probably have loads and loads of pearls in their vault so they can make a strand for you.

Try not to feel sad about it.
Hi Callire -
That is a beautiful strand - I know that PP has a LOT of inventory and that it's worth contacting them to see about creating another one with similar colors/shapes/quality for a price in your range. Good luck and let us know what you find!
Nope... I showed all my friends the link, but not my Family. Oh well, I guess they're gone :(

I'll email PP tomorrow. I hope they have something else that I love (and can afford)!
That's a shame :(

I hope PP can find another strand equally as good and affordable for you!

Good luck!

Or, you could get the white baroque now, and hope Santa brings you a nice present in Dec!

DK :)
No! Now I really, really want the tahitians! :( I have bad karma. Anyway, I'm going to email PP now and hopefully we can find something!