Baroque Akoyas

Hun, no camera! I got strands 114 and 159. Is the link still up? No wait! Let me try the camera phone :). Oh, I'm going to hate this. There is no way this is going to do those strands justice. Jeremy, I apologize.
No, sorry, it's too horrible. I can't do that to him. Remember how horrible my Mother's Day offer pics were? Well, I'm sorry. I can't do that. You'll have yours soon. I will say this though, I actually prefer the least costly strand!

Jeremy, is that because of the texturing that they display more orient and color?
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Knotty must tip her mailman well to get her so fast:p I can't believe they are shipping today or tomorrow that is really fast! Were they already strung in advance or are stringers in CA thinking murderous thoughts about us?:D I live in PA and that's as far in the US as I can get from Pearl Paradise, so I don't expect to see mine for a bit. I can't wait.
knotty panda said:
Hun, no camera! I got strands 114 and 159. Is the link still up? No wait! Let me try the camera phone :). Oh, I'm going to hate this. There is no way this is going to do those strands justice. Jeremy, I apologize.

I just peeked at yours online Knotty and they are really pretty. I'm curious about 159 as I bought on also marked blemished (154). How noticeable are they?
Yes, they are temporary strung. Then the pearls are cut from the temporary strand and are knotted. Lucky for me Jeremy doesn't knot his strands until they are ordered.

Aerinha: YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO PLEASED!!!!! I can't see the blemishes. I haven't started knotting them yet, but so far, I can't find ANYTHING unpleasant. I'm just totally dazzled by the colors! And I truly do think the less costly strand displays not only more intense blue color by more orient as well. The skins are not as smooth, but the least costly strand has more personality to it.
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I assumed they were the temporary strings that the hanks came on, but having them pre-strung would explain the quick shipping.
This is going to be like a feeding frenzy! (the good kind)

Congratulations Knotty Panda:)
We did not string them in advance because we knew some people would request them unstrung, and some people would want yellow gold because it is just their preference. But I believe we only sold about 60 strands on Friday. An easy number of knotting jobs, not one we would do in advance. When we have public specials that go to our main customer list we do string in advance.
Thank you, Gemmy. Now get back to work! LOL
I have my pearls sent to work even though they usually don't need a signature (the one time I had them shipped to my house they did need a signature and the mailman knocked while I was in the bathroom and I had to literally chase him around my neighborhood to avoid a trip to the post office and a day's wait to get them), but when I'm expecting something I tend to try to peek into the mail tub as it comes in to see if I can see a box through it. It occurred to me today as I will now have to start my neck craning activity looking for mine that the mailman who comes to work could think I'm looking for more then pearls (read: him), the one at home knows I'mj ust insane.
Hi all members,

I feel that I have to correct something I said because now it is not valid any more.

I told You that I have the strands # 100 and # 135, unluckily that?s not longer true, since I am in my stupidity cancelled # 135, regretted it later on, but then it was too late:eek: , so now I would like to know who?s the lucky one to have gotten # 135?

Congratulations to all the member who got one, two or three strands, I really regret not listening to my inner voice that said: take it anyway....
You won the loveliest necklace. I hope it brings you years of pleasure. I'd love to see what it looks like on your neck, so be sure to post a photo. Or even a photo in the palm of your hand, if you're shy about that kind of thing.

(I just had to give my weight for the airplane to Marutea. I'm glad I don't have to post that for all to see:eek: )

Aerinha, you make me laugh. Too funny!

Jerin, I'm sorry that you missed out on #135. It wasn't me that got it either, but at least you'll have #100 to console yourself with!

Knotty Panda, I'm jealous that you have yours already. Lucky Panda.
Oh, Inge, I am so sorry to hear that! But still, if you must get by with just one strand, 101 is certainly the one to have! I just got off the phone with Kirsten at PP - she managed to talk me into buying yet *another* strand (not that it was very difficult, lol) She said it had one pearl in particular that had colors like "Granny Smith apple" and "circus orange" - too cool! There are now 4 strands left...
Granny smith apples AND circus orange!? My goodness I have to see that.
Well mine is here and it's very pretty. I'll try and take a photo of it later this evening and post it.
It's tough to capture the colors in a photo but thats okay. Can't wait to see yours!