Let me explain my situation. I wish I were importing masses of pearls

I use them to make and sell jewelry. Depending on how expensive they are, and how much I think I can use, I generally purchase four to twenty strands of each kind. I have purchased as many as eighty strands of one kind at a time, but that would be something like tiny button pearls.
I've never counted, but I think I have around 2,500 strands on hand, covering every color of the rainbow. I use a lot of dyed and fancies. Those silver baroque freshwaters are favorites of mine. I donated a necklace of them to the GIA for their alumni dinner auction in Tucson 2008. It has a clasp of silver leaves.
I purchase most of my pearls from my favorite vendor, John Tu, who lives in Oregon City and does the Gem Faire trade shows. He has the best stuff, very reasonable, but it's hard work to go through everything at the start of the show because I have claustrophobia and it's tight.
I am good at zeroing in on the best pearls. Invaribly, there is a line of people waiting to buy any strands left over from the hanks I have. It can be creepy. I have had people follow me around the show, buying whatever I buy as soon as I leave. I'll bet the people on this site have the same ability. The more pearls you see, the better your skills at evaluation.
In the spring, I had to put the business and my studies on hold in order to compete in an a' Cappella quartet. We won medals, but I think I am giving that up. When I went back to my studies, I remembered how much I love gemology. I now have a master plan of two more years of courses after I finish my GG. so I can eventually become an appraiser.
In order to become a good appraiser, it turns out that I will have to also become a jewelry historian, so it will be a very long time until I am qualified. I hope to specialize in pearls
So, I started the business to get experience in the jewelry industry. I don't make everything I sell. I purchase ready-made jewelry to augment the handmade stuff. I can fabricate, but I don't have the time and with the price of metals so high, it's hard to make a profit.
Saturday I went back to getting my business in order and knotted two pearl necklaces. I'm going to do a couple of shows in Palm Springs in the fall, so I have to produce some inventory. I can't afford to skip the holiday shopping period because I'm going to need the money to pay for these pearl tours
When I update my website, I'll post it so you can tell me what you think.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy this forum. You guys are smart
and funny