365 Days of Pearls

I really enjoy this strand on its own but sometimes to add a little oomph, I pair it with one of the rosebud/drusy strands pictured on Day 6.

rosebud/druzy strands
Single strand is very nice but when paired with the drusy strand POW now that's a statement ;) Love them this way! BN your collection is superb.
I adore those creamy lustrous ripples, my favorite of all your ripples ... and just stunning with the rosebuds! I'm going to need the thesaurus for 365 days of adjectives :)
Ooooh, I almost missed that darling blue bunny ... give him a hug from me!!!
Your collection continues to amaze, in variety, quality and presentation. The luster on those pearls are amazing!
Day 7:

Catherine Cardellini "Not quite white" ripple pearls, originally owned by dear BAS.

Awww -- when "my" pearls end up on your neck, I am very happy. Pearls not only love you, they ADORE you. You were meant to wear pearls. And the fact that you're such a fine pearl photographer just adds to the pleasure we all receive. Thank you for your generosity.

As always, simply lovely on your neck...
I adore those creamy lustrous ripples, my favorite of all your ripples ... and just stunning with the rosebuds! I'm going to need the thesaurus for 365 days of adjectives :)

My collection of cream/peach/pink pearls is extensive so there's more where that came from. I've since learned to be more selective lol! (but it took awhile)
Well, you got LUSTER with BAS's creamy ripples ... lovely!!!
Awww -- when "my" pearls end up on your neck, I am very happy. Pearls not only love you, they ADORE you. You were meant to wear pearls. And the fact that you're such a fine pearl photographer just adds to the pleasure we all receive. Thank you for your generosity.

As always, simply lovely on your neck...

BAS I just love you!! Thanks for those kind words:o
Loving all the pictures, babynurse. What a wonderful daily treat!