365 Days of Pearls

OMG, BN, thank you for sharing your chick story with us. So much anxiety and excitment waiting for those babies to arrive. They're in good hands now. Love their names too!
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I am so jealous of those earrings. They are spectacular! They look perfect with those strands.
Your eggs and football picture made me smile real wide this morning.

Thank you!
If I had those earrings, I might have to wear them every day for a long time. It would be hard to tire of them!
Thank you, Marianne, Katbran, GemGeek, SunSeeker, lary, and BAS!

Day 337:

Feather pearl and abalone shell earrings from Kojima Pearl, tiny freshwater necklace and confetti ring from little h. Pics taken on my youngest’s 10th birthday : )






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Yep, the ring was definitely inspiration for the cupcakes. Thanks for the chick pics.
Sweet combination; love your earrings and confetti ring. A very colorful inspiration for your son's birthday cupcakes. Hope you're having a wonderful family celebration!
Gosh, those are sweet photos of the chicks, teddy bear, and pearls! Hope your son had a wonderful birthday!
OOOMMMMGGGGG those chicklets are way too cute!!! BabyNurse can you lug some of them with you to the Ruckus lolol???
I could go for one of those confetti cupcakes right now! Hisano's confetti pieces appeal to the color junkie in me!

The cutest chick ever; farming in the '50's we weren't encouraged to make pets of our chickens, cause, well, you know.
Mom didn't tell Grandma that one of the chickens was her special pet and came home to chicken dinner. Grandma felt worse than Mom did because she would have spared the favorite.... At least until the others were gone! The war years were hard.