365 Days of Pearls

I've heard of mail order brides...but never a mail order chick! Who knew? Adorable!

There was a lot of nail biting before they actually arrived! I received the email that they’d shipped Monday evening and when I checked tracking Tuesday morning it said they’d left the facility at 9 Monday night and would be with us by 3pm Tuesday. But they never arrived and there were no more updates in tracking. I kept thinking “My babies! Are they cold? Is the box they’re in being handled roughly by the USPS workers? We’re they forgotten in some warehouse?” Gah. I felt so guilty for having ordered them through the mail— local places are done selling chicks for the season so this was the alternative.

6:30 Wednesday morning the phone rang and I was asked to come and pick up the chicks! Dropped the oldest off at school and raced to the post office. Followed USPS lady’s phone instructions and located side door, buzzer pressed, up a ramp, and through the ‘employees only’ door, and was met by a tall uniformed guy who asks me “Your name is...?” I tell him “I’m Sylvie.” And we stand looking at each other. I’m in flannel pajamas with a winter jacket, I’m not sure if this is a regular sight off hours at USPS. “Chicks. I’m here to pick up chicks.” Finally his face registers understanding and a nice lady appears and hands me a box. Lots of soft peeping. “Usually they are overnighted. I’m not sure why this one took so long. Good luck!”, she says.

Rush home, dismantle box and transfer each of the 5 chicks into the brooder. They are ice cold, sluggish and one looks as though it won’t make it. Tiny wings hanging down, eyes closing and teetering back and forth. So we dip beaks into warm sugar water and monitor the brooder temp and after 40 min or so, they are moving around and sipping water on their own. Husband, youngest child and I release a deep breath. All the chicks look like they’re going make it!

So there’s the back story of how things go when you order chicks through the mail!
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Box the chicks travelled in.


Opening up the box. Fanta is at 12 o’clock and the one we thought would die (Hufflepuff) is to her right.

Couple hours later and looking lively!

As I mentioned, Fanta is an Easter Egger. The remaining 4 are Ameraucaunas and will lay blue eggs.


So far three different people have emailed me this photo of Fanta and the pearls today! Had to log on and see for myself!
That is SO cute! You are going to be a very tough act to follow with all this :)
Such fantastic photos! Best part of my day. :o

I’m so happy to hear this— thank you!
Sounds like you got to the chicks in the nick of time. Looking forward to watching them grow, and especially to seeing those colored eggs.
Sounds like you got to the chicks in the nick of time. Looking forward to watching them grow, and especially to seeing those colored eggs.

Yes I think you’re right. They had placed one of those packets you can shake and stick in your mitts to warm your hands at the bottom of the box. This is how the chicks stay warm. But the bedding at the bottom of the box was too thick and prevented adequate warmth from reaching the chicks. Huge oversight which I emailed the company about.
Thank goodness for the "chick whisperer"! Only thing left we need to know ... when you were banging on the side door of the post office in your flannel PJs ... which pearls were you wearing :) ?
Thank goodness for the "chick whisperer"! Only thing left we need to know ... when you were banging on the side door of the post office in your flannel PJs ... which pearls were you wearing :) ?

I had exactly this same question, lol!!!! And you are a wonderful writer.

And, I love that you named her Hufflepuff! As long as you don't name any of them Slytherin......
Oh my you must have been frantic worrying about those Chicks! I can't believe they took so long to arrive ... they should post a LIVE ANIMAL sticker on all sides. That's quite inexcusable on the part of the Post Office.

Love that you were charging around in your PJ's and Winter Jacket - did the kids get to school at 6:45 am lol ??
Thank goodness for the "chick whisperer"! Only thing left we need to know ... when you were banging on the side door of the post office in your flannel PJs ... which pearls were you wearing :) ?

Lol!!! Cathy, I may have been wearing these. I know I woke up one morning this week having forgotten to take them off the night before. Otherwise, no pearls in the morning! Not a morning person under any circumstance ; )

I dream of blue eggs and pearl photos... I love these chick photos.. SO SO MUCH!
he he "chick whisperer" .. winning!

Haha— I will definitely post pics once we have them!

These are Hilda, Sunny and Hershey’s eggs, our adult Easter Egger hens. They read green but are more blue in real life. Fanta’s eggs will probably be similar. The other little gals who arrived with Fanta are a different breed and will supposedly lay very blue eggs (ahem, provided they are truly hens). Will update in a few months!

I had exactly this same question, lol!!!! And you are a wonderful writer.

And, I love that you named her Hufflepuff! As long as you don't name any of them Slytherin......

There are so many good names in the Harry Potter series! We have a Fawkes, too : )
Oh my you must have been frantic worrying about those Chicks! I can't believe they took so long to arrive ... they should post a LIVE ANIMAL sticker on all sides. That's quite inexcusable on the part of the Post Office.

Love that you were charging around in your PJ's and Winter Jacket - did the kids get to school at 6:45 am lol ??

One has to be at school for 7 and the other doesn’t go until after 8 so it worked out well.

You’re right, the box should be labeled more clearly. They used to overnight them via UPS or FedEx but they only use USPS now. It’s a shame.
Day 336:

Tahitian Keshi and freshwater Keshi rope, golden South Sea pendant, Tahitian Keshi and freshwater Keshi dangles from Kojima Pearl. Lavender ripple necklace from Catherine Cardellini.








Such wonderful colors! Love them!!! Plus they will blend nicely with your blue egg photos :)