2017 Pearl Guide Ruckus People and their pearls

OK, mis jeg, time for a lunch date/show and tell. You show, I tell how gorgeous !!!
And thank you, Cathy, too!

Another purchase- A two toned Fiji pearl bracelet from PP. The pearls are a silvery white, mixed with bronzy brown. Red and I were rummaging through the VIP box and didn't take too much notice when we saw this. I absolutely loved it once I tried it on!

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I had fallen in love with this on the PP website and was crestfallen to see it was gone! The JHunter pendant and bracelet are superb as well.
Like I said before JEG has the pearls for the next 365 day thread ;) she hasn't even started showing her Hawaiian purchased pearls :) plus she takes great pictures!
Like I said before JEG has the pearls for the next 365 day thread ;) she hasn't even started showing her Hawaiian purchased pearls :) plus she takes great pictures!

You give me way too much credit, Newberry! :o.
Ahhhh, Hawaii!
I had fallen in love with this on the PP website and was crestfallen to see it was gone! The JHunter pendant and bracelet are superb as well.

2thdktr, I was really drawn to the two other available bracelets because they had more greenish tones- my usual attraction. This one is very unique and different from anything I have. I find it goes with so many things and I have been wearing it a lot. Thank you, I am loving the J. Hunter pieces, too!
:rolleyes: Guilty!!! But you have to admit they were crappy pictures. :(

yeah maybe crappy pictures but the pearls sure looked good enough that I needed either a bib or a windshield wiper on my laptop screen.
jeg, that J Hunter pendant is adorable ... gorgeous! GemGeek has been hiding a lovely voice ... along with a few others, including our "La Bamba" chorus ... :)
jeg - Oh I do love that two toned bracelet ! Didn't someone else here buy one like that a while ago..it looks so familiar... maybe they just had a few of those pearls in it. My brain.... But that's a great bracelet, the colours are just sooo different! And the Keshi are cuties !!

My Fiji bracelet has several two-tone pearls, and lmgarden has several in her Bohemian garnet creations. More photos in the "Fiji Pearls" thread. But neither is predominantly two-tone like jeg's bracelet. And, I love the new Fiji pendant and bracelet. What wonderful souvenirs.

BTW, I'm sure there will be some more Fiji creations showing up from this year's batch of Fijis. I'm so looking forward to seeing those.

My bracelet again.

Red- your bracelet is the most dramatic mix of any I have seen. The contrast and unusual colors makes for a very stunning piece.
Here is the Kamoka drop that I like to dangle with the tin cup.

Jeg - Thank you for the close up of that gorgeous Kamoka drop. It, and your entire necklace, are so lovely in person.