PP monthly special for October..


New Member
Feb 13, 2007
So this month we see a lovely set of dyed black CFWP. I think the photo is just lovely, I think PP will do a great with these. I love the double strand look, but as always I want more pictures. Don'T suppose we could get a PP staff member to model them? Even if only for this forum? I always prefer to see them on someone because my imagination is terrible.:( Also, can't help but ask, as it is autumn,when will we see the exotics? Soon, or in a few months time?

Here is the link by the way:http://www.pearlparadise.com/detail.aspx?ID=1824
Geez, you must be the first person to notice it! I browse the website routinely everyday and I didn't catch it in time! AAA - Jeremy knows how to hit all the right spots. Be still my beating heart! Good thing I spent less than expected on my trip to China ... I am saving for a tahitian bracelet. Must practice restraint. Or should I? I think I'm becoming incoherent ... I'll wait till TPO's specials for this month before I decide to buy this. I can't resist AAA ...
LOL, Raison, I thik you must be right. Since we are in this part of the world, I think the timing works out well for the monthly specials. I think they must go up after normal work hours. The price is fantastic, but I can't wear pierced earrings. Even so, it is lovely...:o I think we all get a bit incoherent over pearls.
Hee, you might be glad to know you can get screw-backs or clip-ons (really painful) for an extra $60. I might pass on this as I already have the AAA 7-8 mm set. The doubler is still so enticing though. Then again I also have a 60" AA rope I can use as a double or triple strand.

BTW, there are other new exciting things on PP's website as well. I noticed them yesterday (see, I'm not that out of the loop). The clasp and findings/loose pearls are definitely a new addition as far as I can tell.
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I noticed the clasps and finding things a week or so ago? And the losse pearls just today. It was fascinating to see the breakdown per pearl. I wonder if temporary hanks is next? :)
you really don't see AAA(true AAA) dyed blacks for sale very often and I like the look of the double strand - nice choice Jeremy.
Jeremy, the 'monthly special' looks magnificent; I'm sending the offer to all my friends.

Well done !
I completely agree with Salem! The biggest turn off for me about all the pearl websites is that we can't see a necklace on someone. On a mannequin would be fine, but I like to be able to visualize the way a necklace falls, how long it will really be, how big a certain mm will look on. If Pearl Paradise started doing that, they'd have a big advantage in my mind. Or any other pearl sellers. ;)
Just for you we took another picture and put it up;)

There is an issue with using model shots on pearl Websites. For some reason, still unknown to me, it kills the conversion rates. Even with monthly specials the conversions are better without the model shot. We made an exception because you asked for it here, but it is something we rarely do...
Conversion rates? Does that mean converting stock into sales is better accomplished without a model?

Salem: Want hanks? Just ask.
My website advertising pet peeve is the product isn't displayed large enough. Many websites include huge photos. I want to be able to see dimples and blinking on the pearls. I've found a few that do show that detail, though.
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jshepherd said:
Just for you we took another picture and put it up;)

There is an issue with using model shots on pearl Websites. For some reason, still unknown to me, it kills the conversion rates. Even with monthly specials the conversions are better without the model shot. We made an exception because you asked for it here, but it is something we rarely do...

Hi Jeremy,

very nice findings....
What did You say about the Exotics arriving in?

Speaking of black pearls, I was knotting a strand of blacks while babysitting my 6-year-old niece this weekend. She always asks for a child-sized prototype of whatever I'm making but what I didn't expect was for her to be so enthralled with the blacks. I had some pretty dyed pink and purple pearls for her to play with but she wanted the blacks! It was the only time I ever told her "no," that black pearls are for grown up ladies. The point of this is, black pearls must be the most captivating of all pearls to all ages, men and women alike. Perhaps you designers already knew this, but this observation from a child really fascinated me. She said she liked "the colors."
Conversion rate is simply the percentage of visitors that convert to customers. A low conversion rate means the Website is not successful as there is an average cost per visitor which depends on the marketing strategy.

Exotic freshwater... exotic freshwater...

The collection of pearls has already begun. I spent some time in Hong Kong last week discussing this with my friend from Zhuji who was sharing a portion of our exhibition space. The exotics are so few and far between that I implored her to start collection immediately and forgo any use in multicolor strands. I really do not know how long it will take, but I do know it will be very limited.
That is really beautiful. I am so tempted, but I am on the quest for some more dark purple exotics- I am going to email you.

I decided to put this pic up even though it is not great photography, you can see enough to see why I am so crazy about these rare exotic colored pearls


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jshepherd said:
Just for you we took another picture and put it up;)

Aww, shucks..:o No really, I am so happy to see the photo. I thik they look wonderful on the model. I feel badly though if it had an efect on your sales. MAybe you can just post the model shots here. That way we can see it, but no adverse sales.

So I am imagining the exotics are going to be a few months away, at least...hmmm...other tempting offers.

Can I ask about the earrings? Has anyone commented on the clips? Are they really tight? I find I can't wear a lot of clips because they hurt like heck and make my earlobes red. ;)
Conversion rates: Gee, now I feel bad too. I must really screw up the works because I look and drool and never have any money to buy anything. I think I started looking at Pearl Paradise's site maybe 3 years ago and didn't purchase until this year.

Oh, and I like Salem's suggestion. The model pic makes for a wonderful display.
I think our conversion rates are safe, Knotty:D Not to worry.

I am not sure which earring clips you are referring to, Salem. It is likely a new item that was added in my month-long absence. I am still looking for the bottom of my desk and trying to catch up here. That is why it is not even 4am yet and I am sitting here with morning coffee.
Hi Jeremy,

Yes, I mean the clips you added under your findings page. :) Man, you must go through a lot of coffe being in the ofice at 4am. Yikes